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Everything posted by Miss*33

  1. Geez Steve - act your age!! hehe
  2. Hmmm.... "predominantly Subaru WRXs and Nissan Skylines"... what about all of the other cars that would have been there??!!!
  3. LOL - Maybe next time we go out, u can teach Dean and I how to do it - I don't think I'll be practicing in front of any semis though!!!
  4. LOL well sorrrryyyy!! I didn't say I couldn't get it sideways, just couldn't get it sideways enough to do the "lane changes" that Dean loves so much!
  5. Yes Dean I think this would be your cue to leave!! LOL Why don't u send Dean to a "titty" club??!! I'm sure he'd like that more than me!!
  6. No not brave at all to ask for suggestions!!! Judging by Timmmayyy's suggestion already, I don't think I'd be too keen - thats what I get for being on a forum of a majority of males!!!
  7. Hehe nah!! Did u see the lane changes Steve?! My car just wouldn't do it, doesn't go half as sideways even when it is raining!!!
  8. I read about it in the Sunday Mail too - at least its alerted other people as to what they're up to!
  9. Steve - its in October and theres no party cos I haven't planned anything yet!! LOL
  10. LOL @ Dean - hehe I wanna learn too!! Don't think my car has the guts to pull it off!!
  11. Steve u do not look old!!
  12. Yeah hippy that was me.. Dean, we kept going and ended up in Nurioopta, there was a BP so we were saved, then we made it home from there!!! How long did it take you guys to get home??!!
  13. Shoosh Steve!!!!! Don't start sounding like my father!!
  14. Yeah Steve u should try being in the car with him, especially in the wet LOL I did feel safe in the car with u Matt, really!! haha Didn't have any problems with the cops from what we saw...apparently an S15 got pulled over right in the beginning but not sure what happened to him...
  15. I know I'm a girl but u r not - so no excuses!! 32godzilla is right - it poured last Sat night and we still had a good night!!
  16. Hippy u chicken!! Don't be a girl, come with us!!
  17. Ahaha thanks Timmayyy - nah mine's in October - I swear if my parent's don't stop hassling me about having to have a party....grrr!!!!
  18. Proposed route looks good BOOSTD - hopefully everyone can make it!!
  19. Nice invite Dean!! U've reminded me that I have to plan something for mine - haven't left myself much time!!! Arrghh!!!
  20. Geez Enrico, hope you're alright!! So we're sticking with same meeting spot...what time? 9pm or something?
  21. Yep that'd be her Timmmayyy I don't know her personally but its a nice car
  22. Same meeting place suits me!
  23. Yeah theres a girl in Adelaide on nissansilvia.com with a onevia!
  24. Cafe Di Vilis is very good. And like Erica said, lots of parking!
  25. We had the same problem a few weeks ago Hippy!!!!!! We parked at Beuarepaires and got a dodgy looking pink photocopied parking ticket for $33, which said if we didn't say in 14 days it would go up to $55. My b/f rang the council and the guy told him that legally there is no way they can find out who you are as they do not have the authority to do number plate searches, unlike the council. He advised him not to pay it. My b/f then rang Parkfast and told them what the council had told him and Parkfast admitted that it was true and they could not find out who he is. He told them he would not pay the fine, so the guy told him to disregard it and he would rip it up!!
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