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Everything posted by Miss*33

  1. I do totally agree, I think if you're silly enough to get your car defected three times then they're bound to pick on you. It just seems silly to me that such an obvious defect was not picked up earlier. My point is just the inconsistencies in the way everything works. You get different people looking at the cars and different defects being pointed out each time. They should all be looking for the same things and not overlooking obvious things such as a bent chassis rails.. Dean can vouch for this too, they didn't pick it up the first time, but second time around, there was the defect.
  2. I know someone that can sympathise with Dean re: his Regency problems now. My friend has a GTI-R which has now been defected three times. The car is pretty much stock except for it being too low. The first two times he put the car back to standard height and went through Regency without a problem. Last week he went through Regency for the third time and they wouldn't pass his car saying that he had a bent chassis rail. How could this damage go unnoticed the first two times the car went through Regency? Who have they got working down there??!!
  3. lol yes I think you'd rather not know what they said, was pretty funny though
  4. Yes, you guys are starting to worry me now, this has been going on for days! :bonk:
  5. Nah my plates are just standard re-issues - nothin to get touchy about! lol
  6. Was I dissing the plates you already have? No!...
  7. Wasn't dissing the plates you've already got
  8. I've already unsubscribed to it so Plus I sit by myself at work so
  9. I'm going to turn my email subscription option off, I'm getting emails every five minutes because of this thread! lol
  10. Borris, Habib and Enrico all need these new plates I think
  11. It seems that I get 15 points for each post I make. Maybe you get bonus points for stuff too? :confused: I'm sure Dean knows all the loop holes by now
  12. I want a flashing username but I'm not going to sit and post on every thread on the forums. Maybe you should donate some points to us Dean! hehe
  13. Now I know where all of your points came from Dean, you post whore
  14. Same.... prefer our smaller cruises, not so much unwanted attention that way....
  15. Just a few pics... http://www.pbase.com/sau_cruise/inbox
  16. Was a good day. I'll post my pics soon
  17. Got a flier in the mail on Thursday about this. $10.00 entry for spectators, $70.00 for competitors. Might have to go out there and have a look
  18. I think its Big Button. I've seen a silver rex around this area and also the pajero stickered up the same as that.
  19. Probably would have been on its way to or from the police impound yard which is out that way. Plenty of messed up cars in there..
  20. Saw that one too. He was asking more than $105k when I saw it. Was a very nice car though
  21. Agree with COPYME. I got my car from Redline too. They were the only ones actually prepared to help me out when I was looking for my car. Just because you're young doesn't mean you don't have the cash.
  22. They'll look after it don't worry Maxx I'm sure they'll be out and about cruising around with us soon
  23. I definitely agree, a small group is always much better for the hills. Haven't been on a decent cruise for ages so see you there
  24. lol yes I'd definitely classify three months as lazy. I won't wait for you to show up next time, you can leave the rims and my present on the porch! lol :kick:
  25. Dean at this stage it looks like a midnight Friday cruise if you're up for it Get Mick to PM you the details.
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