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Wheezy last won the day on June 18 2023

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    HR31, Y62, T32
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  1. Been a minute... Doing a fuel system upgrade whilst the car is in hibernation for the winter. Got a Frenchy's performance hanger for dual in tank pumps and started making new hard lines. Also did brackets from Chrissos Customs. (Still need to finish the plumbing and wiring). However, things snowballed of course....ended up buying a new daily. I can already tell it's going to eat up my play money 🤑
  2. You are #1 in my contact list if I was ever to sell I'm torn between the Emtron dash and a new daily....Y62 with an exhaust would be nice if I hadn't doubled my mortgage debt
  3. Moved house and am slowly knocking things off the list. I found a set of close to brand new tail lights (used for 12 months on another HR31) I had the OE CAS fail a few months ago so I installed my new trigger kit. Install Emtron Keypad & Program Install Trigger Kit Obtain New Door Seals (aftermarket) I'm currently building a shed at the new home, so once that is done I will be focusing on the fabrication side, IE: Make & Install a 3.5" front/dump pipe (Stainless) Install R31 House Rear Camber Kit (Will be paying a professional) Install Dual Pumps & -8 Hard Lines That leaves the aesthetic side: Replace damaged Dash Trims/Buttons Restore Weather Trims I'd also like to give the paint side some love as its 14-15 years since it was painted.
  4. So now it's winter and I'm in the middle of a move, not much will be happening for a few months. My current list of tasks when it gets warmer and I settle into my new house. Install Emtron Keypad & Program Install Trigger Kit Make & Install a 3.5" front/dump pipe (Stainless) Install R31 House Rear Camber Kit Install Dual Pumps & -8 Hard Lines Replace damaged Dash Trims/Buttons Restore Weather Trims Obtain New Door Seals (aftermarket)
  5. Goes alright..... Shid pant fast 💩💩💩
  6. Added a PWR 80mm intercooler & R31 House intercooler insert for the front bumper. Also new wheels arrived just before Xmas. I'm pretty happy with the result.
  7. So much bogan power!!! In other news, still getting KMs on the car before all the boosts. And am going to put a pressure/temp sensor on the hot side of the intercooler to measure pressure drop and temps pre intercooler. Lastly, have a surprise coming around Jan for this which will change the look of the car quite significantly IMO
  8. The Halaltach fuel conditioner works. I ended up draining the tank to get the full and empty (~5l left) and interpolated the rest as it's linear.
  9. Made a sneaky patch loom for the Fuel Level Sender Conditioner today. It adapts into the loom which powers the dash so that I can give both the dash and the conditioner 12v. The rest of the loom runs to the conditioner itself and a DTM-3P connector for power, earth and the signal from the fuel level sender itself (I will intercept the wire on the dash for the factory gauge). The little wire dangling (I should have given it more length, but long story) will go to the input on the ECU.
  10. Didn't realise what sort of compression you were running. Maybe I missed it on the YouTube's as I watched a long time ago, what was the position of the pistons relative to the deck at TDC?
  11. Got the car back together and will hopefully get a much needed alignment this weekend. That is providing lock down in Melbourne lifts Was looking at options for Wifi to the Emtron on Friday night and ended up buying a small wifi router for $34 delivered on Amazon. https://www.gl-inet.com/products/gl-ar300m/ Pretty cool little gadget and has already come in handy to look at the ECU logs etc without having to grab a wire and stuff around in the cabin.
  12. Small sneaky update. I was never happy with the Otaku Garage adapter plate for the RB26 intake. I had issues with it leaking, being generally very soft material and I ended up re coiling the threads. A mate of a mate got onto Racefab in NZ who used to make what is essentially inspired/copies of the Blitz adapter plate from years ago. Turns out he had two left on the shelf that were never sold. So I managed after about a month of back and forth getting my hands on one. I started stripping the intake off today and it should be on this weekend. I hope this is the last time the intake needs to come off for a very long time!
  13. Slow progress and a while between updates as I decided late last year to build a new house and move away from the city now that my wife and I no longer have a permanent working location. Anyways, I fitted Bosch pressure/temp sensors for oil/fuel/water and a flex sensor too. Which means when I pull the finger out for the full beans tune I will get a flex tune rather than straight E85. Finally got around to fitting my fixed back seat on the weekend just gone. (Need to re-fit the harness at some point) Hopefully get out for a drive in the coming weekends once other commitments settle down and see if it was a good or bad decision.
  14. Bump. Will take $400 for the Defi system.
  15. Orly? Not an issue at PI with 4:3?
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