Hey update! I took the car out for a spin yesterday and oh my god, this feels like a different car! i think i finally experienced what more than 8psi of boost felt like. I had the duty cycle on the selnoid set to 50% and it was boositng to close to 22psi before the cut-off. I got to experience 1 second of pure bliss between 5000-8000rpms in each gear, until i hit 5th gear. But i will say, it is pretty laggy. like 1000-4000k has no action. Then 5k and beyond is just hold on to your seat kinda experience.
before when i was running 8psi of boost, even though the car was objectively slower, it felt like, i could stay in the gear longer and really enjoy all 8000rpms. Now its more like, 1-4k, takes forever, then 5k (boost hits) and within miliseconds, its time for me to shift again.