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  1. Hmm okey. But what's your reason to use pressure sensor? I've only used a pressure gauge on the line/with aftermarket regulator on my other cars before. Are your reason to use a sensor to be able to connect it to the ecu, or to be able to have a gauge in the flightdeck/cockpit? I guess i could get an "T" adapter with a 1/8" fitting for pressure sensor placement. And connect the fuel hose on the other two ends and place it between fuel filter and rail? If i go for a regulator instead, i could just remove the "oem" regulator and put the new regulator on the strut tower on the feed line between filter and rail. I guess i could just use the gauge on that regulator? Wouldnt need the sensor for pressure reading then?
  2. The skyline is located a few hours away from me. Is there any fitting for the fuel pressure sensor on the fuel rail? Or do i have to make another solution for that?
  3. Well, idk if that matters after all these parts i had to buy to get that car running. Would probably be better to sell -5s ( with a bit loss ) and go smaller turbos and less power hihi
  4. Im located in europe, guess you are located a bit far away Thanks!!
  5. I have a oil cooler, could install that one. Fuel pressure sensor, good one. Forgot aobut that! Head refresh? The engine block/head has been in for service. So the head should be fine!
  6. First of all. Thanks to everyone in this forum helping me out with my wierd questions back and forth. So before i install everything on my GTR and send it away for a tune i will sum up the parts that ive now bought/on its way and let me know if there is anything else you would recommend me doing that could be important. Engine: Garrett GT28-5 x 2 JE-pistons 8.2:1 Eagle H-Beam rods ACL race main and rod bearings Oil pump collar installed Fuel: Bosch 980cc injectors Walbro 535/E85 pump (no check valve) I guess i can buy a check valve and connect it to the pump? Other: AEM X-Serie lambda New Air tempsensor Older verision of LINK G4 ECU (upcoming: Gonna remove old fuel hoses for new ones, change oil pressure sensor, attach oil accumulator, ) I guess a new clutch is what i need aswell. Advices? Been running Competition clutch before on other car. But would rather spend less money on this one. Something else in these cars that i need to upgrade when im gonna run -5s? (Low power as possible with -5s)
  7. Some of the parts are now received. (y) one thing that came up to my mind was the clutch. How are they holding on these cars? I cant remeber but i belive its the oem clutch i my r32. I guess i need to upgrade that aswell?
  8. I have to ask since i cant find anything about it. "GM" style, what does GM mean?
  9. Haha, would this be possible?. I have a Maxxecu for my other car. The maxxecu is not a plug in, so if i make a loom for the GTR aswell i could just with a milspec connector put the ecu in that car that i want to drive 🧐 Quick disconnect from one car with the milspec connector and just plug the ecu in the other one 😆?
  10. About the wide and o2 sensors. I asked someone at link and they told me " only the g4x fury has onboard lambda controller, any other ecu wil require a external wide and controller. G4 needs a controller that outputs 0-5v analog output. The sensor is irrelevant to the ecu, you need to use the sensor that your controller is designed for." How does this work? With my maxxecu i can see the lambda on the laptop and on the iPad. So from what i know the maxxecu is connected to the wide and sensors. But here i will need to get something like the LC2 innovate controller? Also a gauge do display the actually lambda? For the fuel press and oil pressure. If i get new sensors, there is possible to connect these directly to the ecu right? I was going to buy the expansion loom for the older g4 ecu to be able for more inputs.
  11. Is it correct that the IAT sensor is slow and should be replaced?
  12. What about the Bosch 1200cc/min i found aswell? 1462cc/min bosch will probably be too big for my application?
  13. Okey, i found some parts now. BOSCH 980cc EV14, will these be good enough as someone recommened here before? The tuner recommened Injector dynamic cause then i could go a bit bigger and they would still be a bit easier to tune. But the ID1050X - ID1200X etc.. costs alot more (x2) the bosch 980cc, which seems a little bit overkill for me, even if i want to buy the correct stuff from the beginning. But feels like im paying for details that maybe dont matter for me here. They also had, Walbro 535l/hr which seems to be a good choice here as well. Deatchwerk 400 was also available, but was seemed to perform as good as the walbro. Alot more expensive than the walbro for some reason.
  14. This is really intressting. There is alot of factors that play along here in these systems Even that Motive did this research and he seemed very convinced that Single out runs a twin setup, there could be things that they did not think of. But sure, turbos today have gone along way foward in technology and the latest garrett will probably peform greater than 2 of their first garrett models. ,
  15. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and information.
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