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R33 GTS25t NZ

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About R33 GTS25t NZ

  • Birthday 18/05/1991

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    New Zealand
  • Interests
    fault finding

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    96 R33 GTS25t
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  1. late as to the convo, my R33 does about 13L per 100kms, 420km to 55 liters. Running really rich, leaves black carbon on the bumper, apexi power fc, city driving seems to get more milage
  2. Heres a thread of my Series 2 R33 GTS25t I brought this R33 GTS25t from tauranga 200km away, brought it exsactly how it looks now, with bald tyres allround, overboosting 20psi, broken window and broken sunroof, cut auto brake pedal, eletrical malfunction that has happened that didnt get told to me about (which i have found out now, cause im a mechanical whiz. which includes eletrical) didnt take any photos of the car on the night or next day i brought it cause i was and still am focused on getting it road worthy. not much to do now. Brand new rear rotors and brake pads for the rear, with new handbrake shoes, front rotors will be looked at for a skim. they are warped slightly, so depending on how much meeds taking off them will determine whether i buy new rotors for the front, (money isnt an issue). window washer bottle situation, I need two seperate universal washer bottles as theres no universal twin pump washer bottle setups only singles. and the catch can situation. Will buy 1x 1 single inlet 2L catchcan for $100, the city that i live in is perfect for performance cars, There are three plus shops that i can walk in amd buy performance off the shelf parts for my car. No waiting , Everything on the internet website is instore, so making and buying things is a breaze. And i mean everything. full rear end suspension setups, you can buy full macphersion strut lock setups incl knuckles off the self, but since GK tech is the best for twin wishbone lock setups, thats litterly the only thing i cant buy off the shelf. The car has stock shocks and lowering springs 17x9 Rota grid replicas Factory hicas (will be getting this replaced but getting it roadworthy is the important thing) The engine has Factory RB25DET (Its a S3 Engine, Neo Cas with Hydraulic Lifters) Replaced headgasket with an OEM style one HeadStud kit (Unsure if its ARP) DSR stainless Hybrid Topmount Manifold Greedy Replica Front Facing intake manifold Journal Bearing GT3582r .63 rear housing turbo with surge protector compresser housing 2.5 IN Exhaust From turbo to Exhaust Tip OldSchool Turbosmart 38mm wastegate (Unplumbed. very distracting) Factory 370cc Injectors and Rail Tomei Fuel pressure regulator Unknowen Fuel Pump R33 GTR Apexi Power FC ECU Pink sticker airflow meter Im looking at getting this tuned and have a date 9th of November 2022 to get tuned, Im going to change that date, ill have to work with the tuner for another date as its quite hard to get a booking, I dont mind waiting, Next thing is to get it tuned, I will be getting tuned at E&H Motors in Pukekohe Its running really rich, I get 325kms to 46 Liters, and plus I have a R35 GTR card style air flow meter in a 4in housing, I also have Apexi Camshafts that i will be installing at a later date. I do have the S2 Cas to go with these camshafts. Its polished Too. They are also VCT Dropins. I ran them in my 1st RB25DET, They sound amazing This is the dream right here, going back to tuning to get camshafts tuned for the motor. Im litterly living my dream, Going back to the tuners to get retuned. I will end up going to get it tuned 3 times before its finished. Its all about the experiance. Getting to know the Guys Them getting to know me. Me getting to know the car, Me getting to know the car via ECU, Driving the car in stages all by myself. Ever since owning perfromance cars theres always been one person who tells me what to do with my car, Not knowing that i have my own personal brain and processes that make me me, And always had a parent whos always been about trying to sabotage me and my plans to run my lifestyle. with subtle doubts placed and his imagary experiance, due to lack of commitment in this feild, (When outdoing someone, go the full monty) iBeing out of the car industry its very hard to focus on the lifestyle you want to live, because your work isnt involved around your lifestyle outside of work (which is what you want to create). so its easy to be pushed around by others, exspecially when your not supported by others who arnt in the same dream life catagory as you, Living at home was good cause i was involved in the industry as my work but the parents subtle doubts and experiances with their pain made thinking perfectly so hard. I did end up owning my 1st c32 manual at home without me giving a f**k about what my dad said, Im a Taurus so i get manipulated alot by others (Karma will get them). Anyway Now im Living in my own home, working in the industry and got my job in my own way, Finially got My car Without anyone Knowing about it too. I can litterly tell others to f**k off when others ask about my car cause no one help. Perfect Here some photos of the car, The bugandy cam covers are completly diffirent covers
  3. @SKYMAGGOT Iv got Apexi RB25DET VCT Cams not too sure on the duration but they are 8.9mm lift, got to get them refurbd as they are worn on the corners, cant wait! journal bearing GT3582r with apexi power fc, killer time
  4. just remember guys, exposure creates exposure, the more you expose the more gets exposed in the outter world, expose all your knowledge and youll answer your own questions,
  5. Hi thought id write a fourm about the R33 GTS25t cluster , airbag light not doing its checks on startup, , iv put a screw into the airbag crimp positive in the back of the cluster ( for some reason there wasnt a positive screw there, Have also stumbled upon this excact same thing in another knowen working cluster where one screw was missing, from the positive side ) where the airbag light is in the cluster, theres a chip inside of the bulb holder where the light is, and two wires coming at the back of the bulb holder,, in mine the black wire was screwed, but the white and red wire wasnt screwed. i screwed this down where the airbag map goes on the back of the cluster, reinstalled the cluster , and no changes happened. i have also received a picture of another cluster with this wire not screwed in. so what im going to do is find another modual, and also (not counting on this to work but it is another avenue that coupd have gone wrong) go to the wreakers, find another nissan airbag cluster (p11) primera and search for a cluster that has the same light with the chip and two wires at the back of it, the airbags havent been deployed, and if anything goes wrong with the airbag system, the light will come on and stay on, there were afew blowen bulbs in the cluster when i removed the cluster, which is rare as these work on a negitive switch, which lead me to there being an eletrical fault, which leads me to, that when they were making the exhaust (It has a top mounted turbo setup) they failed to removed the positive battery terminal off the car, which has thrown positive current all through the cars body as thats the circuit that created the welding process, and reversed all the polairty through the eletrical curcuits, lucky thers a main fuse that catches everything, I reckon thats where the power fc thats in it came from, possibly fried the ecu, and now thats why the alarm doesnt work properly, (it makes beeping noises when i have the master switch in my hand and bump it like its being triggered) and thats the reason why the two high beam bulbs were blowen, ( all the lights that have been out, have been blowen up, like a bomb went off in there and the fillerment hasnt just broken off like it normally would if it wasnt premature, it has blowen off some of the side bit too which indercates that quite abit of pressure was in there for that to happen), so both, I might try the buld from another cluster aswell as a new modual
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