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About elbee111

  • Birthday 01/03/1959

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    NSW South Coast

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  • Car(s)
    1993 R33GTSt

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  1. Good question. We got one of his split dump/fronts installed. I don't think there is anything wrong with them but... it was put in without being supported and split (as in cracked). Since being repaired it has performed fine. El Bee
  2. I had this sound very recently (see the link), sounds pretty much the same to me. Was perfect one day and sounded crook at startup the next. Had never used oil before and found that it was down to half dipstick when I checked it after the sound. El Bee http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...t&p=2468684
  3. I was thinking it was down low but the mechanic said that he had heard it a couple of times before on RB's. Turned out to be valve guides. Running quiet again now. Still has the fast cold idle but that is a separate issue for the tuner when we can get back to Sydney. Enjoy! El Bee
  4. Thanks Morgs, but not it (although that was one of the possible scenarios given). The car (R33 GTSt) is a daily driver and was perfect one day and stuffed the next, and had only been tested a couple of times on the strip months before (with ordinary results). El Bee
  5. Agreed. We didn't do anything but arrange to get it towed and fixed. She is purring again now but it did cost. Just wondering if anyone knows, or can guess, what it was. El Bee
  6. Not sure how links work here but I found a post of a while ago about how to replace the "grain of wheat" bulbs in the aircon unit. Hopefully it is shown below. If not, you could always try search.
  7. Has anyone heard this sound before, or would hazard a guess as to what it is. I have since learned what it was and has cost me a fair bit. Any takers ? El Bee ps It was revving high before this problem, something we will get to eventually. pps The noise wasn't there one day and appeared the next. Clunk_12.wmv
  8. As of this arvo, I find now that it comes up as error. From then on it shows me as "guest". El Bee
  9. Yeah, Ulladulla is for the Nowra folk on route to Batemans Bay etc. El Bee
  10. Any word on Ulladulla meet-up yet ?
  11. Thanks, Yes the angle allows the basket to fit in the "D" shaped hole in the body (just). No cutting of the body or spacers needed. El Bee
  12. Has been covered a number of times. Please disregard as you see fit. El Bee
  13. The guage I had then showed 17 lbs a coupla times before it went. I had built an Electronic Boost Controller was dialling it in with a gut full of piss and my Son at the wheel. It may have been a combination of me fiddling with the load points and a lack of consistency in the runs. Anyway, that turbo was certainly not a freak. It got 184 rwkw on a dyno day (maybe a bit friendly even). El Bee
  14. All this talk of different Dyno's, and prove it on the track etc, really amuses me. The thread title is........... 319wrhp Standard Turbo! (maybe). You cannot prove any of this without dismantling the turbo. FULL STOP. And any of you other guys with "freaks" should think about this. I know my Turbo was "hi-flowed", as I had it done when I killed it (as stock) with too much boost. I wonder how much anyone else knows how stock their turbo is ? Will continue to watch this space with amusement. El Bee
  15. Yes there was another thread about his but.. cooks44 has it down pat, but I would say that you can re-use the blue rubber covers as I did (if you can't find them elsewhere, I didn't look) Using a toothpick, you should be able to gradually winkle the blue condom off the tiny globe. El Bee
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