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Everything posted by elbee111

  1. Benm has found found a spot in place of Humbla (Genelle) who cannot be there. Should be good Ben. Enjoy! Laurie
  2. Just clicked over 153,000. Had 67,000 when we bought it. Daily driver = yes. El Bee *edit - I intend to put another 6km on it at the drags next Sunday as per last time. We did 24 runs last time without a hitch. Do oil and filter every 5000 etc though*
  3. Hey benm, I probably have a spot for you. Will definately advise shortly (today). El Bee
  4. I tried that. When I put my form in the class was "Best R33 GTSt - Factory green, series 1, stock body and wheels". :crazy: My trophy must be in the mail. :confused: Enjoy! El Bee
  5. I'll leave the music to the experts as I can enjoy just about anything (I am not quite down in the hood wit da niggarz tho). My only music gripe was that I was camped near someone who wanted to show off his music at the same time. It's gotta be one or the other. El Bee
  6. Top day out. I had the Green R33 series 1 looking stock. Didn't expect anything and wasn't disappointed. I think being next to the black R34 (VNOM?) might have helped get him over the line. I thought ten bucks was reasonable to be there and be able to stay fairly close to my car (you just never know in carparks eh), and it was great to see all sorts of great cars on display. The judges had a really tough job and I wouldn't have done it for quids. Too many nice cars in various states of modification, and all very well presented. Well done to all involved ! El Bee
  7. On the pro side of buying from a dealer. I bought the car and noticed on the way home that the odometer was only working intermittently (a sign of tampering for sure and if it ain't done here it is done in Japan anyway). Took car back and said that the odometer had to be fixed. Also argued that the kms on the clock could not be trusted, therefore they should do timing belt etc. No worries. Got odo and all sorts of belts done. I like that kind of insurance. El Bee
  8. elbee111

    Skyline Joke

    Q. Why do they wear make-up and perfume ? A. Because they're ugly and they stink. OK. That's all I've got. (See I actually thought the original joke was funny. You've guessed that I suppose). :slap: El Bee
  9. You better believe it ! :uh-huh: Added a few little bits since last time and hoping to approach respectable times this time around. :kewl: Hope to catch up with you and a few others at both these events. :wavey: All the best. El Bee ps. Was "this close" to spectating at the track last weekend but unfortunately judged the weather to be unfriendly. Sounds like you tore the track up with the lightweight rear window. :crazy:
  10. Gday guys, Checked out the entry form and did not see the category of "Best factory green R33", let alone the sub-category of "with stock Series 1 body and wheels". I could go on but, what the heck, we are going to be there and I reckon we can pay $10 to park it in full view. There may even be some interest. You never know. Enjoy! El Bee
  11. That's great to hear RTHRTY3, Did you take any pics along the way to add to the knowledgebase ? Cheers. El Bee
  12. Nose to curb parking sucks. Imagine if you drive a work van (as I do during the week) and you park nose in as required. You return to your vehicle to find that there is now a 4WD on one side and a delivery truck on the other! You have to just poke your arse out into the traffic and hope that someone doesn't knock it off. (It's even worse when you don't have a side window). At least when you were first parking you know where everything is if you reverse into the spot. When you are coming out you can see the traffic. El Bee
  13. I went K&N panel when I had an R31 and felt an overall improvement. So with the R33, a K&N went in straight away then exhaust etc in quick time. I haven't done any testing or have any data and never tried a pod. Others may have facts and figures. I'm just happy with it . El Bee
  14. Gday predator, I assume these are the Nismo ones and note that they also have a 12/11 LCD pattern. Are the R32 tail-lights of slightly different size or do they use different LEDs in the two arrays ? Interested. El Bee
  15. Still interested in a kit. Let me know. El Bee
  16. Here are some pics. Not much detail in the how to department but you get the idea. El Bee
  17. RTHRTY3, It was a fair while ago now but here goes, 1. Have a look at your petrol cap and give it a wriggle and see if it moves around. If it does then, 2. Unscrew the cap and grab the metal filler neck, probably brass colour, see if this moves around. If so (like mine) you definately proceed to step 3. Otrhewise, if you can see evidence of vapour or spillga aroung it you can also say it needs doing. (A visual inspection should tell you if it is the problem. 3. Remove the filler neck assembly. Mine took no effort at all as it was held by a couple of dabs of a compound that went hard and, therefore, brittle. 4. Once removed, clean the surfaces of the neck that mate with the wide mouth that is left in the side of the car and clean this area too. 5. Apply a continuous bead of Sikaflex around the area of contact. 6. Position the filler neck in its final position and push it home. I only took one or two pics and they were after the fact but will try to find them and post soon. El Bee
  18. I wouldn't be buying them if I had a 32 either. The obsessive compulsive in me noticed that one light has 11 LEDs the other has 12 (in the one housing). Wondering if this is because they are of different size or LED brightness etc etc.
  19. I would like to apologise if my posts stifle discussion on this matter in any way. Please add anything that is likely to answer the original question etc. El Bee
  20. Cefira_PWA, Sorry that I have shown that I am also not as l337 as you but.......... For the guys out there driving our cars on a daily basis, do you have anything to add ?
  21. OK. I've decided that cefiro_PWA has referred to me and I don't really care. If this is the case then he/she is just a dickhead who reckons that he/she is top shit. You could start a thread of your own bragging about your conquests or, stick with the original thread. The tone of the original question does not tell me that he is as leet as you. El Bee
  22. Which one is the streeter. Me perhaps ? Or someone earlier. I don't know. Anyway. Someone will have worked it out. If it is me then "so be it". Enjoy
  23. The top draggers running huge boost would want to eliminate any loss in pressure (leaky BOV ?) and,therefore, decide to run without one. These guys are running full throttle basically full time so why would you need one ? For those of us on/off/on throttle, it seems to me that it would be best to keep that turbo spinning and have boost ready and available (not just latent pressure that would be spent it 0 secs flat and have to fire up the turbo again after it has been slowed down). Back onto the original question, I am a convert to the aftermarket. Maybe the factory BOV was holding more pressure, slowing the turbo between gears, and not allowing the turbo to keep spinning freely while off boost between gears. El Bee
  24. Quite a few have seen it in NSW. It is difficult to get decent shots that show the colour (especially with a $100 camera). There is definately another one in QLD on the Gold Coast I think (nik Belgarrion). And the one for sale in Sydney recently. I don't wish to hijack this thread, but I will say that there were many options and colours in the R33 (including blue). Enjoy! El Bee
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