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Everything posted by GTD22

  1. As far as I could tell everything was exactly the same. I even watched the video and bought that exact style of steering wheel controller just to be sure I only had 3 things that weren't straight forward, removing the buttons off the pcb, the plug on the board hitting the horn plate and the one of the isolator washers holding the horn plate on disintegrated when removing so on reinstall the horn was stuck on so I had to make a new one Other than that just follow the instructions step by step and bobs your uncle
  2. while doing my manual conversion I couldn't find this information at all. hopefully this helps someone first pic is linking the wires thru the fuse box double checking that it is correct (fuse box is in pic as reference for location) second pic is pulling out the fuse box cutting and joining so it looks factory once fuse box is re installed
  3. thanks for the video I did this along side your steering wheel control guide. my car kept beeping once the the T piece was unplugged it works on a slide so if it was sloppy like mine was you may have to either zip tie it to one side (the side it doesn't beep) or if you follow those wires back about 100mm there is another plug just unplug it from there in the pic it shows the zip tie and the other plug. i just left this whole piece out thanks again your a life saver!
  4. After finding your video on YouTube I started searching a little harder on google and found this forum post and decided to give it a go. I just wanna say a massive thank you!!! this works a treat and quite easy to follow. a few things I wanna add I tried to make this as easy as I could for myself and copied this into a word document scaled up the pictures and printed this out, I used all the same coloured wires soldered to the pcb and it made following along that little bit easier. one small thing I noticed the pcb diagram has a small error it has 2 up and down labels but no next and prev. if i was to do this again id also desolder the plug of the off of the pcb while your desoldering the tactile buttons and run 2 wires (the little plug was hitting on the horn bracket and i had to grind a small piece off, also the wires are a smaller guage so using all the same size wires just makes fitting up that little bit easier. my stereo swc wasn't a 3.5mm jack it was "key 1 key 2" wires. because this only has 2 wires you use key 1 for power and the ground went to the place my stereo was grounded. cheers for making guides like this, making my daily that little bit better to drive every day!
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