We are a Canadian based company that now manufacture the Extremely Rare Shifter Surrounds for the Nissan Stagea Series 2. (will also fit in a S1 with an addition of our console)
The cost of these, on sale are $275 USD with Free Shipping World Wide!
Here is our website to purchase these: https://lfindustries.ca/product/shifter-surround-wgnc34-s2/
We are also in the works of releasing the Series 2 console as well. You can expect to see that coming up within the next few weeks. So keep an eye on our socials
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LFIndustriesCanada/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lfindustriescanada/
Thank you to everyone in the community supporting our project to recreate all the rare parts for the Stagea.
LF Industries
Founder & CEO