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  1. I know, it's probably not the best place to x-trail related questions, especially a diesel one, but hoping that someone might be able to help. Looking at buying a diesel x-trail. Just have some concerns surrounding the diesel particulate filter (DPF). I have done some research and there is a differential pressure transducer on the DPF - apparently you can use consult-III to get a readout of this differential pressure while the engine is running (should be less than 30mBar - which means not blockage). I assume a reading form CONSULT-III could also provide a history of error or fault codes as well. Long story short, is there anyone in Melbourne who does pre-purchase inspections that might have consult-III or be able to read the differential pressure? Or is there a workshop that might be able to help? Sorry I am new to all this!
  2. Cheers for the reply. Yeah, while searching I came across the turbo problems the two of you had, had. My other major worry was about the gearbox being 'sealed for life'...this didnt go down too well on my old car at 150,000 clicks (so much for full service history ). I also didnt come across too many electrical problems that ppl have had, guess there aren't too many or they havent surfaced yet. It seems my conerns are not that common problems. Servicing (fluids, brakes etc) is something I can do, major repairs probably not. So in that respect I guess things shouldnt be too bad.
  3. hey guys, I am looking into M35's atm (something like an AR-X). Only concern is fuel consumption and reliability! What sort of fuel consumption and reliability can I expect? (Assuming I dont thrash/bost all the the time and drive sedately). Can I expect problems such as, blown turbos, broken gearboxes, electrical problems? Would I be right in assuming that the running costs would be a fair bit higher than a local wagon/sedan? Sorry if the question seems vauge.
  4. pls delete...replied in wrong thread.
  5. LoL yeah I know. But me and a friend wanted to compare the e36 M3 with its rumored 210kW and ~11-12L/100km average to a GTR.
  6. Hi guys, Just for interest sake, I was wondering what sort of fuel consumption you guys get out of your R33 GTR's. Not when they are being thrased, but being driven normally? I was wondering, if say you were driving one to work and back etc. would you run 98 (premium) or just 91 or 95? This is just for interest sake, but thanks for any figures. Cheers.
  7. It's a shame your in Brisbane, otherwise I would be there this weekend.
  8. Hi, Any link to the car? Where are you located?
  9. Hi guys, Sorry I am just doing research for my next car, and I really love the R34 series skyline. I don't need bucketloads of power just something reasonable. I am looking at spending 20K-25K could I find a reasonable one for this price? Is the best I can get a 25GT? Thanks.
  10. It works now for me as well !!!
  11. Well the countdown stopped but nothing happened?
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