VL commodore was running, started to blow black smoke on idle and eventually died. Wouldn't restart
Engine had
New spark plugs, New leads new cas, new oil & so on!
So I've checked spark on all 6 have spark, fuel at rail & checked injectors they are all spraying mist so working as far as that goes.
Re timed it to tdc on harmonic, and mark on cam, and #1 on dizzi.
Multiple times. Slightly before 1 exactly on 1, even spun the dizzi as tried
Rotor is turning when motor winds
Can hear fuelpump prime.
Checked tracks and caticupators in ecu all checked fine and was running prior anywhoo
Replaced fuel reg off my other going motor, tried coil, tried cap, rotor,
Tried other plugs and it goes to fire but doesn't, tried re timing. Checked to ensure its on #1 on each cycle of winding it by hand.
Tried unplugging MAF,TPS,
Got codes on computer for coolant sensor, no aircon,