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Everything posted by nismo818

  1. They will NEVER leave us alone.... at least not for now. In light of the seriousness of the molestation of us import car drivers from the cops, I propose a DEFECTED Forum category be established in this SAU Forum. No Joke.
  2. I know this sounds like a stupid thread, but hey, if they can ban Skylines from the Australian Touring Car Championship, they can ban anything :wassup: From what I read, the GTR's were banned from the Australian Touring Car Championship because the local Holdens & Fords were getting their asses whipped by the Skylines. The GTRs that competed were forced to carry an extra 150kg, and were limited to 1.3 bar boost, in an attempt to make the competition more competitive. However this didn't stop skylines from winning the 1991/2 Touring Car Championship wth Jim Richards/Mark Skaife before GT-R's were banned from the competition altogether.
  3. Maybe I should make it a little more interesting : ALL Jap Cars Banned!
  4. Nismo32R, as for your qn about the EPA, I don't think you need an RWC, but you have to remove your AVC-R & make sure everything is in order. That means a quiet exhuast, No atmo-venting BOV, only 1 air intake, etc etc. Can someone explain to me why the cops are out in full force catching imports? Who do u think are giving them the instructions?? Bracks himself??
  5. THat's it. Victoria is officially the WORST STATE to drive an import car. Take a look at he threads in the VIctoria Forum! One after another telling people they got defected etc etc etc. Damn it! What can we do??! We are being targeted like criminals!!
  6. I don't understand why u got done for : Internal wiring (stero AMP) What's wrong with that?
  7. I was meeting up with a few friends at Crown this afternoon. Wanted to go back early but the conversations dragged on & b4 I knew it, it was 12 am!! So i left crown & decided to travel by Toorak Rd, thinking it would be 'safe'. Dead wrong. When I got to near the intersection of Toorak & Chapel St, I saw in the distance some flashing blue lights. Also the traffic suddenly slowed down. I immediately turn off into one of the lanes and managed to find a way past the Road block. Going up Toorak road, I "bumped" into a copper who out of his car, dunno what he was doing there but luckily nothing happened. I quickly left Toorak Rd & made my way into princess highway. This was when the nightmare began. Approaching near carnegie, I saw blue flashing lights at the other side of the road. I slowed down, & when I drove past, I saw a R33 Skyline being pulled over by 2 Biker Cops! I drove further up the road, and another Biker Cop came the other direction! A couple of minutes later, another Police car followed by!! That's not all! Finally, when i was just about to reach home, again, on the other side of the road, was flashing blue lights! An unmarked Police Car stopped a Commodore.... I was feeling scared!! By some miracle, I managed to reach home and write this without any incident! I wasn't stopped, but I learnt a lesson today : Be very very careful when u drive ur skyline or import car on Friday Night!! ps I was NOT drinking or on drugs or speeding or hooning.
  8. No S15s too!! All japanese performance cars banned!! :aroused:
  9. Also, the Australian govt decides to ban all Japanese tuning equipment & accesesories!! No HKS, Apex'i, GReddy etc!! :wassup: What will u do?!?
  10. Damn!! Can a cop actually come into your driveway & inspect the car? Do they have the right to do that? I hope someone can start a thread about the rights we owners have. We should start reading some law books!
  11. Just imagine, the day comes & the Australian government has decided to ban all Japanese imports!! All skylines & other import performance cars must be scrapped in the junkyards!! :wassup: The only "performance" cars allowed are Commodores & Falcons!! What will u do? What will u be driving?
  12. It's really becoming a big pain in the ass. Everyday when i come into this forum, there are poor dudes who get defected or fined just because they were driving an import on Ps, when they did nothing wrong. Something MUST be done against these Mafia Cops. Don't get me wrong, I know there are good cops out there who are reasonable & fair, but there is a big number of Arsehole Cops who are ruining the image of the Victorian Police Force with their fu**ked up attitude & Nazi like behaviour. Walk into any police station, you will see the Police Motto, stating the police values about impartial to all, protecting the people etc etc. BULLSHIT! If the cops were fair, why the hell are they targeting the imports? Ok, so the law says u cannot have this or that under your bonnet, but so many other laws in other aspects of life are being broken, & the cops don't give a shit. Instead of spending more time & efftort in busting Drug Lords & Underworld figures etc, they are more contented with catching & defecting import cars. That's probably because this is considered a fund raising campaign. I would suggest that all the forums get together on this issue, & do some protest or something. If we can get big numbers behind this, we can show these Hitler Cops we mean business.
  13. Hey! Read the rules! No selling on behalf of others!! And this is NOT eBay! NO BIDDING!! An administator will close this thread very soon.
  14. I realise whenever there is something for sale, goons will appear making all sorts of comments about the prices, or offer a stupid price. Pitchd, don't listen to any of these goons, if you feel your item is worth that price, which i myself think is reasonable, stick with it, someone will buy it soon.
  15. It seems to me almost everyone here has had some bad experience with the Vic Cops/EPA/RTA or some similar Terrorist Group. I lived in Queensland for 3 years previously, I never ever had such problems before. But i can tell you Melbourne is a totally different thing. What really pisses me off, as some have mentioned, is that whenever I drive my import, I feel like a CRIMINAL. I have to keep looking at my rear view mirror, and i DO get nervous whenever a Commodore or Manga or any colour comes behind me. What the hell is going on? Why are we car import lovers made to suffer like that? True, many of us have illegal modifications hidden under the bonnets of our cars. But we are targeted like we are Robbers, murderers and Rapists. Hell, I don't even think the cops put in so much effort in solving such crimes! Instead of patrolling the streets looking out for the real criminals, these cops seem to have so much time on their hands sitting around and targeting imports the whole day long. Can someone explain to me what a "Cop" is? I thought Cops go around catching the bad guys, so r we considered a bunch of criminals? One can argue that we are breaking the law by having mods & so on, but then again, there are so many other laws being broken everyday in other aspects. Why are we being targeted specifically? Don't the cops have anything better to do? Maybe we are employing too many of them. Isn't there something we can do here? I would like to hear some ideas/suggestions. Are there any lawyers or someone familiar with the law in this forum who can give some advice?
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