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    1999 Stagea RS FOUR S

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  1. Thanks for the reply. Not getting voltage from the pin that connects to the map lights. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9nbsakvhdo6gjtv713dk6/Photo-Sep-11-2024-10-40-27-AM-2.jpg?rlkey=8bh4lx8ei639tde4eepveqgpg&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rhtt0kxmgzxiwh7re22ij/Photo-Sep-11-2024-10-40-27-AM-1.jpg?rlkey=zecek0bzrxj6714tyk6x8te5v&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cfhsp62058y3ittmkes8n/Photo-Sep-11-2024-10-40-27-AM.jpg?rlkey=tfixv4tvs6ko9ao41q6e62gwr&dl=0 couldn’t insert images from my phone so here’s Dropbox links
  2. Hey all new owner here from the states. Just received my RS FOUR S last week. Went to replace some interior bulbs with LEDs this morning and after changing the first map light bulb I lost all lights to the map lights in front of the rear view mirror, middle dome light, rear trunk light and also the ring light around the ignition. They do not work manually, when the keyless entry is used or when you open the door. Everything else is still functioning like the head lights, fog lights, cluster, radio etc. I tried replacing the LEDs with the original bulbs but no luck. I replaced every fuse in the under dash fuse box to be safe, most looked original but none busted. While changing the fuses I noticed the TCM box was loose and could wiggle it around. Not sure if it's related or I just shorted something out while replacing the bulbs. I foolishly did not disconnect the battery prior. At a loss here, couldn't find any similar cases to mine. I will try to check for continuity tomorrow as a last resort. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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