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Everything posted by D-G

  1. omg AURON!!!! hes a legend, i cant believe it was a stupid dream, not that i liked Titus much anyways, cloud rips all main charas in ff games! (that guy in FF9, wtf was that shit)
  2. There are to many games like diablo now days! we need games with better graphics then that game, not re makes that have even worse graphics, like............world of warcraft =]
  3. SKY do you know when kingdom hearts 2 is coming out? or is it already out? (does it have the same people?)
  4. PS FF7 hands down, that is no doubt ONE of the best rpg games, i dont know if you would classify 'Castlevania Symphony Of The Night' a rpg but that game was wicked! i heard there making a new version on ps2!! (i hate diablo) Phantasy star is a pretty good game to. And then theres the RE games, i dont think there in the rpg zone but yeah, good games! (OH YES AND KINGDOM HEARTS 2 IS COMING OUT!! OR MIGHT ALREADY BE OUT...)
  5. Okay, i heard from a mate that theres a new R34 GT-R out, that comes with 500 stock HP, now i just wanna question this if anyone knows about it. 1. Is it a R34 GT-R? 2. What is the difference in layout ect... THANKS!
  6. We all know about those super hard out drag cars. I was watching this show and the drag cars were doing around 350km - 400km easy on the strip. now the timer showed always around 7 - 9seconds for each winner, is that about right? Sorry its just they where showing the engine and i was thinking that most power comes from the weight? From what they showed and said the inside was nothing special. Maybe im wrong, im not a big fan of drags! Please correct or just re-enforce this so im 100% on whats going on. =]
  7. from what ive seen and been in a friends dc2, i cant compare it to a 33, size and control. very different at all angles, and if you used to driving the 33 now, then stick with something close to it, unlike a dramatic change like going to a more wobley car with less power. My advice....stick with your car and save for a newer model or even a GT-R...(you can if you try). Or better yet, get a S13 N/a which wont drain your pocket as much, and drive that for a year or two till you can afford the car your looking for in future. But still i think youd be better off with your current 33! =]
  8. yeah haha MV really sucks hard, but i guess you can forgive them for the arcade ones!
  9. Haha, ok well the game doesnt only run on the connection, it matters what pc you have to. I have a P4 2.8gz 512MB ram and a 128mb graph card and im on dial up, wow runs like a beauty on it, my standard latency on that game is only around 500-700, and i now start to get lower latency aswell, i guess its also the server and stuff you pick, for instance if you bought the game id advise you to go on gorgannash(correct if spelt wrong). and dont worry about your studies in school, just make a plan like.... when you come home play untill 4:30(if you get home at 3:30) then when you have done your homework and ect thats when you can plan again. Dont listen to them =P if you know some tricks you'll level fast up to at least 9 and then IF anything you might have to start spending some time to get to 14, then it gets hard! school comes first though, so if you think you cant stick with a plan with also doing your homework then dont get the game!
  10. hey, yeah that game has such a made drift layout. i use the NSX, i find it has enough power on the game to make the drifting perfect, along with the timing of the person behind the controller of course!
  11. ok i might be wrong but didnt nintendo make the gamecube? well, i dont think the games on the gamecube are for kids, as they have re-made many resident evil games.(which are MA15+)... just giving more imformation! =]
  12. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO finally getting my copy of wow tomorow, about time i get my own copy insted of sharing! anyways, is anyone level lower then 15? if so come train with me and my mate, we can give you a hand.... server is gorgonnash (if i dont lag there neither will you), my name is Clashez =]
  13. i recently was reading the jan issue of 'wheels', called 'Stop, You're Killing Me.' theres a small graph showing that 49% killers are from guns, and 99% are from cars. (note this is police!) they kill more by the car chases and as says here, 'What's not responsible, however, is the kind of policy that increases the danger to the community by preventing two trained officers in a V8 commadore from nailing... and you get the point. This is the 99% of the deaths caused on the roads according to 'wheels'. and most of the time they are after p platers, so why increase the number of them? do they think of p platers as a hunting sport? the more they see the more they can bust for nothing? pffft
  14. woohoo im not the only one who doesnt get far in that game. yeah true there was only one gt game that pissed the f**k out of me, the prolouge one... i think thats what it was called. i was so dissapointed at that, but 3 was a big success, the drifting in that is unreal!
  15. SKYLVIA, its $29.95 for 60 days. and yes i have gotten up to 1600ms - 1800ms and i was still running without much lag. most of the time it will say im on around 600-700ms but it runs like a beauty!!! i reakon it is worth it. Im only a level 10 hunter.... but im getting there =P. besides i dont even have the game, i borrowed and installed my friends version so wen hes not online i go on... im hopfully gonna have the time to buy it one day =]. If people could please leave the servers, and nicks there on and use that would be great!
  16. do you have a link for the finaly fantasy VII games? =D
  17. IM SORRY DID YOU SAY FF7 THE GAME? i think im gonna cry! whens it coming out??!?!??!!?!
  18. bad news if you havnt heard, juiced isnt coming out because the company ran out of money during the process... yes that leaves only gt4. lets hope that doesnt let us down aswell!
  19. ooo this is getting intresting, skyzerr33 even though your bar is red all the time its not laggy is it. does anyone go on gorgannash? (dunno if i spelt that correctly) i find that server good, not many people in it either so its a good non laggy place! anyone here a night elve hunter?
  20. ....ok so tell me you think that they have done the drifting good? i mean you turn in that game and its considered as a drift... maybe its coz i had a all niter so i didnt get sleep during those 28 hours... but who knows =P *cranky* lol if you have played it and gotten all the cars, please tell me theres a R33!!?!?!? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Ok, so far ive only hired it for two nights and played around 28 hours, AND IM STILL STUCK WITH A DAMN 240SX. Now ive only gotten around 3 new cars (which are utility trucks) so im very pissed off at the fact that its taking so long for me to get a good car. I think the next car i get is a Fairlady Z, but you start off with a tuned one already so im sick of it. And theres the same amount of upgrades from what ive seen expect now you can buy them in packs so you save like 100 credits or whatever. So i wouldnt tell anyone to buy it in a hurry, i mean yeah ok theres new things and blah blah, but overall im kind of dissapointed! My so far rating: 6 out of 10
  22. have you got dial up also? (ironforge?) is the colour of your latency red though?
  23. should of got prepaid...
  24. well i borrowed my mates copy and installed it last nite. it sez i have around constant 600ms latency, BUT IT DOES NOT LAG ONE BIT! i swear i couldnt belive wot i was seeing! thanks anyways! wot server and stuff you guys on? =] maybe ill see yas in there (wen i get it!)
  25. wait i have dial up... but i have a pretty good pc, reakon i can run WoW without much lag?
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