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    1998 R34 GTT - 2014 ZC32S Suzuki Swift Sport
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  1. It may not be relevant to your situation, but when I had the issue of air getting into the system on my GTT, I found there was a tiny hole in the aluminium cooling pipe. Enough for air to be drawn in, just not enough to cause a significant leak. Looked like the previous owner had chosen a bad place to attach the earth clamp of his welder and tried to mask this with a piece of mesh sleeving 🙄
  2. Does the steering feel heavy when you turn the wheels? Any puddles of fluid on the floor or that you can see leaking from anywhere? You could try bleeding the system, if it’s making a whining sound when turning the wheels then that’s a sure indication there’s air in there somewhere. Start the car and remove the reservoir cap, then turn the wheels from left to right a few cycles and then check if you see any air bubbles rising to the top of the reservoir. Top up if necessary and repeat. Otherwise, I can only suggest that your pump vanes have seized or that there is a perished seal somewhere??
  3. I believe there was a similar one posted by @duggyphresh. They were re-routing their battery positive cable in the way I am also trying to achieve. Sorry, I’m new to this forum, so was a bit late to the party by a few months and so reignited the old thread, as I wanted to know how they got on with doing it.
  4. Hi all! Looking to relocate the battery to the trunk of an R34 GTT. I want to do it using as many stock GTR components as I can (including the harness protectors from the 34 GTR that run underneath along the chassis to the engine bay). So far I’ve purchased the battery tray from a 33 GTR, as the captive weld nuts are already there just asking to be used. There is also the slight issue of now having to relocate the ABS/TC/Fuel Pump Control ECU, which in GTT’s sits right above where the battery will then sit on the tray. Has anyone already achieved this, and if you have any pics that you wouldn’t mind sharing? It would be great to see how others have done it and where you put them, as there are countless holes in the parcel shelf panel to potentially use. Just trying to get some ideas bounced around, and to help uncover any potential problems I may encounter by my choice of location. TIA for any help!
  5. Well I had 2 choices from then on. I either had to (reluctantly) move it on to another potential buyer and take the loss on the chin. Or I stick with it and turn it into a restoration project. I chose the latter. Project Snowstorm began! The frp body kit was the first thing to go. Turns out the original colour used to be silver. The Neo and gearbox were removed, along with the prop and exhaust system before it took a trip to the bodyshop, where I wouldn’t see it again for quite some time due to the pandemic hitting very soon after they took it away. Eventually, progress began and damage assessments made. Even the front chassis leg was in pretty bad shape! Then the chopping commenced. For these guys it was just usual routine, to me it looked absolutely terrifying! More to follow as I’m struggling to focus on my screen at 12:45 am!!!
  6. I decided my first mod would be a FMIC for it to gulp in some chilled air: When I removed the bumper to make a start on fitting it, that’s when it started to reveal its past to me. One very nasty looking buckled inner wing… …and a not so happy looking front panel and crossmember 😫
  7. It didn’t look too bad, it was more what I found underneath when the modification itch started. It had clearly been used as a previous track weapon and suffered quite a smash to the front end.
  8. Forgot to mention that these are the before pics when I first got it!
  9. Thanks @PranK for the updated member status, much appreciated! 👍🏼 Now, about those pics… Unfortunately I could only find ones that I took in the dark. I was soon to discover that underneath it wasn’t in the best shape, but it was mine and that’s all I cared about at the time 😆
  10. Thanks for the warm welcome guys! Unfortunately I can't seem to upload any pics without a ULR address, not even when on my laptop. Is there some other way around this?
  11. Hello all you fellow Skyline enthusiasts! I’m from that small island they call the UK and have owned my 1998 34 GTT for quite some time now, 10 years at least! It’s recently been returned to me after having some extensive restoration work done, along with a nice new paint job of the classic Bayside shade of blue. Looking forward to getting to know people on here and sharing the rest of its journey to being completed with you all, as I still have a long way to go with it as yet so gonna need all the help I can get! Regards, Beanie (aka, Tim)
  12. Hi there, after a quick google search I found this topic as I am also relocating the battery to the boot of my 1998 GTT. I was just wondering how you got on with installing the re-routing and specifically the installing of the harness protectors? How do they attach? Are they just a simple "click-in" affair, or do they attach with bolts? Does the GTT have all the necessary fixing holes for them, for example, where they locate on the chassis? Any help you can provide would greatly appreciated.
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