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About Bleach1

  • Birthday 16/12/1982

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  1. moved to drag and drift section? Its not related to either. Great way to kill my thread. Cheers.
  2. Im thinking of purchasing a cheap R32 GTR to use mostly for track days and maybe hill climbs etc... Just wanted peoples opinions on weather a R32 GTR would make a good car for this use compared to say and old WRX or maybe even an S13 or S14? I have found a 94 model GTR at a dealer that is willing to get rid of it for $13k for to me. The interior and body is very average but the mechanicals seem all in working order and i could not find any evidence of rust or major crash damage. I have also gotten some quotes on an average R32 GTRs with no compliance for track use only for around 10k but would prefer to have the option to register the car. I was also maybe considering a late 90's WRX or a mid 90's Silvia if there were good arguments to use the cars. I have owned a few Skylines in the past and work as a mechanic so getting the cars prepped and running is no issue for me. Any thoughts? Cheers
  3. Thanks, awesome advice.
  4. Hi all, Ok i am heading to Europe in a few weeks and on the way home I am stopping in Tokyo for 3 and a bit days. I thought this would be a good place to get some advice for things to do around Tokyo and maybe some sights to see. Im going with a mate of mine and we are both 26 year old guys. Cheers.
  5. Is this for real?
  6. Tyresome, East sydney on Riley street.
  7. Price is negotiable. This bike would look great in a garage next to your Skyline!
  8. Item: 2008 Suzuki GSXR600 K8, black. Age: 3 months old Condition: As new Price: $13700 Location: Sydney, East Contact: Chris 0412 080 667 or pm me Comments: This is a 3 month old Suzuki GSXR600 sports bike. It only has 1640kms and has recently had its first service. This bike is like new and i am only selling it because i have gotten a mining job in far north Queensland and i dont want to take the bike with me. The bike rides perfectly and is great for anyone coming onto their full license because it has adjustable ignition mapping, also very handy if you have to ride in the wet. Save big $$$ over buying brand new. Very regrettable sale. I also have a Dainese white Santa Monica leather jacket that can be sold with the bike for a good price. Its only 3 months old and was $999 new.
  9. Oh yeah and some other simple advice i can maybe give you is when you first start riding a motorbike it is hard work. You more than likley wont really enjoy it at first, especially this time or the year in the cold! At some point though it will all just click and it wont be hard work anymore. Once you are confident in your ability and you become relaxed on the bike going for a ride will become really good fun. You really do feel like you are part of the machine. I have done trackdays and gone on plenty of drives/rides in my skylines and my bikes and when you nail a really good lap on a bike it alot more rewarding than in a car i feel. I just recently sold my R32 GTR and got a new GSXR600 and all new gear and am loving it. Bloody cold at the moment though. One downside compared to the car!
  10. I have sold 3 skylines over the last 18months and the market for them os almost non existant nowdays. Absoloutly not intending to offend you but im telling you right now you will struggle to get $15K for that. Sell all the bolt on stuff seperate if you can be bothered and hope to get $12k for the car even with the RB26.
  11. I have been riding for about 5 years now and i am soooooo over people telling me im a 'temporary Australian' and how dangerous they are etc... Well no shit, of course they are dangerous and bike riders dont really need to be reminded when we are the ones having to deal with the public on the road everytime we ride. Anyway as others have said riding safely and staying observant can go along way to making riding much safer. Having said that it can be hard when you get some confidence on a quick bike to stop yourself getting a little Top Gun fever and pushing the limits on a weekend ride, i guess that one is up to will power. Anyway best bike for a learner is definatley as others have stated something like a Honda vtr250 or Suzuki GS500. Trail bikes with road tyres are horrid things to ride and although i havent ridden a motard bike i think they are fad and i cant really see the point in them, i think they would be quite compromised for both road and dirt. Good luck with the bike!
  12. Ok, i just wanted to see what people think about how the price of fuel is going to effect car ownership? Now the other day it cost me $110 here in Sydney to fill my GTR and i will be happy to see 360kms out of that tank. With the sky rocketing fuel prices unlikley to stop any time soon if at all when will all our cars pretty much become almost redundant? Lets forcast fuel rising to $2.50L over the next 18 months or so. That would be $165 to fill say an average 65L tank and in any sort of sports or enthusiasts car and that tank wont always get you very far. I think for the average Australian that will simply become to much. This will also greatly effect the value of our cars and many other cars in the powerful and not always frugal engine mould. At a very high fuel price think of all the Commodores, Falcons, Skylines, Supras etc, that will flow onto the market. The price of fuel will generally effect the people who own these cars the most. The price of fuel will also raise living expenses as a whole so just filling the tank is only one factor that will make these cars harder to own and keep running. Anyway i think for me the bullet will have to be bitten at $2L. That will be time to say good bye to my fourth and final skyline for the time been and get me an old 3cyl charade and a motorbike for my speed fix.. Than again at $2.50L it may be time to end my love affair with the inernal combustion engine for good and pick a hobbie like painting models or collecting juke boxes or something....
  13. I really couldnt tell you as i havent seen alot about the way the gtr box actually works. Id take an educated guess and say it would be very similar except for the clutch setup.
  14. Ok, after reading the gearbox talk on this thread i have to say DSG, selespeed, F1 transmission or whatever you want to call it isnt always perfect. I have been a mechanic working on Ferrari's pretty much exclusively for the last 3 years so i have a tonne of experience dealing with the F1 box. Now for track days or blasting through the backroads the F1 box is simply awesome on the F430 (havent driven the scud yet but am sure it will be better still) but it can be temperamental and its reliability is starting the become an issue as the cars are now a few years old. (the 360 and 355 F1 boxes are rotten in this respect). Now i know the system on the GTR will be different but im sure similar problems will eventually arise such as dodgy pumps, actuators, release bearings, clutch position sensors etc..... All things that a normal manual box doesnt need. The F1 box in the F430 is an awesome bit of gear when its all working great but an F430 with a manual box is still are beautiful car to drive and i cant see how it would be any different in the GTR. About 40% of ferrari owners still opt for the H pattern so it is still relevant to ask is the GTR will have the option. Saying all that i think its probably best for the V-spec to be DSG only (360 challenge stradale and Scuderia are F1 only) and it would be a good idea for the standard GTR to have the H pattern as an option. Hey it will be better for alot of us in 10 years time when we get our hands on second hand ones not to have to worry about alot of the problems on an old DSG box can cause. Also there is probably 15K worth of gear needed for the DSG which could be knocked off the price on a H pattern car. Also with my experience with Carbon ceramic brakes, yes very expensive but will last much much longer than a standard set. If you do alot of track days or hard spirited driving then the cost difference will eventualy mate up and the stopping power is unreal. I have done race prepping on an f430 challenge for 2 years now and we still havent had to change the discs on the car just the pads. And yeah, discs are around the 8k each mark.
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