I went last yesterday arvo/night. I have to say i have never been a huge fan of drag racing until now. The highlight of the night was by far the Top Fuelers and as Two40 said, unfrickingbelievable!!@@!#!#!@. I have seen indy cars, f1 cars GP bikes everything but i have never experienced anything like the top fuel dragsters. Sitting half way up the hill i felt my hair been blown around and the heat hitting my face as they took off and my internal organs been shaken like they have never shaken before. Seeing the cars reaching just off 500kmh at the end of the 400m side by side has definatly turned me into a drag racing fan although i will always be a bigger circuit racing fan. The rest of the cars were good and as said before anything over an 8 second pass began to seem slow.
The other thing is the WSID is an excellent facility. We will be very lucky to have a facility like this in sydney which runs weekly street meets. The night also showed me that australia has alot of depth in drag racing. Although there are only really 6 top fuelers the rest of the classes seemed fairly full and the workmanship of the cars was awesome. (you were alowed to walk through all the pits, bloody good). Anyway. I had a great night and will be attending as many major events there as i can.