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Deano 1

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Everything posted by Deano 1

  1. farout the evos look quick
  2. Which adaptor is it? The 10.5mm ones for the injectors to go into the rail?
  3. That's awesome result for 98. Killing it
  4. By the looks of those pics, the 6 bob looks like a better design than the full race, yes the full race looks fancy but so what it gets covered in heat wrap and a turbo. Look at all the weird straight sections and small bends on the full race, in the 2nd pic look at the tight bend on cyl 6. Did u measure the runners to c if they are tuned length Joey? It's hard to think they are with all those little bits and peaces of pipe and small bends.
  5. i no its making me sad : ( i loved the idea of a factory engine bay and exhaust with 450kw.........
  6. Can u still run your a/c with twin scroll mani? Is there enough room?
  7. I just wish I new where to start, it's got everything it needs to make a decent number, but it's knock restricted. When jez tuned it last the exhuast was way to small, now that I've got a bigger system coming from jap and I made some 3inch tuned length front pipes into a 4inch merge. The exhuast issues should b over, so it's back to jezza's shop to c if there's any gains. Strange thing is, I had a 4inch system made, and we chucked it on the dyno, only got 7kw gain with adding timing and boost. C what happens, maybe we need to play with the cams, or something.
  8. i no man, ill work it out one day, got a new exhuast coming and a new intake setup. So ill try that out, and c how it goes. If nothing improves ill just drive it as it is, till Stevo comes up with the goods on the bits and peaces to make her a lil bigger on the bottom end if you no what i mean, than prob throw the -5s in the bin lol im very interested to c how this turns out but
  9. lol thats just farken crazy
  10. Mate if I was you I would have done it a year ago, I hate my -5s I should have went single from the start. But than I also like not having to worrie about the cops. What exhuast you gunna run? Or you going to adapt the RPM one?
  11. I never thought I'd see the day that Paul went a dirty single.....
  12. yea thats insain work man, keep it up. ill be watching this place
  13. Hey mick have u checked that the xd9s will fit on your car with the brembos? I've got standard sumi's on my car and my xd9s only just clear by about 2mm on the front. I spode you could run a 2mm spacer if worse comes to worse
  14. I've got 18x10 +18 with my front and rear guards have been rolled and worked on. And it works perfect
  15. Nice choice on wheels dude.... What colour you going?
  16. jez is running a walbro 400Lph in his R his flowing 400kw on e85 so i cant see why mate.... maybe pm him
  17. Btw video sounds awesome!! Can't wait to get mine now : D
  18. Lol you don't buy cams cause u want a lumpier sound...... Get your tuner to lean it out at idle, and I think they do something with timing. There's ways to make em sound lumpy, if that's what your into
  19. ... YouTube man..... Than just cut and paste link
  20. I hate these Facebook links
  21. if the 6262 goes 500 it must be the best turbo in the world, response of factory turbos and power of a large laggy heap of crap.....
  22. So does it go down any smaller than 3.5inch at any stage? I ordered one last nite!! : D
  23. Fark that's a mean s13 hooks up hard off the line
  24. You no u want to, set of pistions at my place : D
  25. Your mostly the reseason for car accidents with car trailers...... Just by reading your past experiences...... And your 500bux half assed tow car. There's a difference between wanted to look the part, and having a safe and capable tow vehicle.....
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