Absolutely loved the time lapse video Rohan; just awesome! Having lived up in the foot hills / North East Adelaide my entire life, that is a lot of very familiar scenery to me.
I travel between Athelstone (+ surrounding suburbs) and Tea Tree Gully quite frequently to visit friends and family. I love taking the hills run home, all four windows down to the sound of 100% RB and boost - via Gorge Rd Athelstone, up past Kangaroo Creek Reservoir, onto Torrens Hill Rd, then back onto North East Rd coming through Paracombe. Great 20 minute drive - compared to the 15 minute constant stop/start urban area route I'd normally take to get home. But as you know, fuel consumption is probably in favour of the urban route!
Even noticed you stopped at the grain store across the road from the Tower Hotel toward the end of the video.
When I used to live in Newton, one of my other quick hill runs I would take often was straight up Montacute Rd, then left onto Corkscrew Rd, and then onto the Gorge heading back into Athelstone. My previous R33 was a bit through Corkscrew with the 2-way LSD on a wet day. Good times...
Noticed quite a few old spots/past hangouts in a lot of your other photography up Gorge Rd. too! One most notable is what we used to call 'the Acid bridge' - (you can see it in the background of the 8th embedded photo of this post where you are comparing your black and white bonnets). Some time in the late 80's to early 90's, some nutter crawled across the bridge right to the middle (right above the creek bed) and tagged 'ACID' on the face of the bridge - hence the nick name we gave it; but it looks like it has been cleaned off in the last few years. The locked gates right next to where you are parked in these photos didn't used to exist, and you could drive right in, park your cars and pull up for a chat and hang out/all other sorts of tom foolery (as you can imagine, as soon as it turned dark). The Gorge was an awesome place to hang out - but being that fair bit older and wiser now, you appreciate the scenic side of it a lot more.