Don't know if i be even 50% sure on this one, but isn't it a turbo timers purpose to enable the turbine wheel to stop spinning while oil or water is still running through the unit.? (as with the engine not running, the turbine is still spinning and less/no oil is being run through it) i was told this by an ex semi truck driver. And i believe his theory, as when i have come home after a late night thrash, ive left the 33's timer on for 2 minutes, and i can DEFINATELY hear it still spinning after engine shut off, and it slowly comes to a hault. (You hear the tiniest little tick tick tick tick.....tick....tick..............tick..............tick....... hault) Like i said, not 100% if its correct but i suppose it makes sense. I set the timer to 5 minutes after i was told that by the truck driver, and he was right, tiniest amount ticking this time after the timer cut out. But i still question myself as to if its just heat expansion around the dump pipe or something....
Basically with setting a time amount i believe it should simply be judged at how hard youve been pushing your car. My auto setting is 2 minutes however, gotta drive like a granny these days with these piggys becoming more intelligent with jap modifications...
I have a turbo timer programmed into my alarm. Absolute f**king brilliant innovation i tell ya... Keeps the chops happy for when i copped my last yellow defect sticker and had to get a full vehicle inspection! i just connected the earth tab to disable the alarm, and no more TT! :kick:
If the truck drivers theory is incorrect by the way, someone post me the real deal of the turbo timers purpose, as id really love to know if its true.