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Everything posted by RedEmblem

  1. I saw a SII GTS-T loose the back end out around a quiet round-about. The driver had just driven from Buderim to Caboolture, to Caboolture to Ormeau and at 5:30pm from Ormeau to Buderim. I was tired, two minutes from home Completely misread the road, even though I drive down it twice a day.
  2. WRXs are designed to be capable in both acceleration and handling, not just straight line speed you twit. And yes, to end all arguements for ever and ever: Without a doupt, and brand new non STi or Sti WRX would be faster than an R33 GTS-T stock for stock. Duh. That said, I love my stock SII.
  3. Anyone else from the coast heading down?
  4. If anyone has a set and wants rid of them let me know. Preferably good condition. Thanks, RE.
  5. Well I'm no expert and I don't claim to be, but I thought that running the revs to low was about as bad a running the revs too high. AFAIK it justs put to much pressure on the gearbox. But I dunno.
  6. I keep the revs between 2000 and 3000. Once you get to about 80kph, change to 5th. That's with a RB25DET.
  7. I might. Anyone else from Sunshine Coast thinking of going?
  8. Well, the metallic sound only happens sometimes (40% I guess) and the sound is louder the faster I take my foot off of the clutch. There is another sound, a squeaky sound, which occurs 99% of the time. When I depress the clutch slightly it goes away. Was told that may be the thrust bearing. Also, when under pressure (acceleration) sometimes my gears crunch almost like I havn't put the clutch in at all. I've been told it may be a leaking master cylinder.
  9. Hey guys, I noticed last night that for the first time, when my car was cold, when I took my foot off of the clutch (quickly - when it was in neutral in the garage) there was a metalic sound coming from it - like metal hitting metal. Doesn't seem to impact performance at all, just don't know what it was from :Oops: RE.
  10. Managed a 7:48 with a completely stock GTR R34 '00.
  11. Managed 8:03 with a completely stock FPV Typhoon around Nur. BTW: After watching that GTR DVD again, I've realised that GT4s version of Nur is actually very accurate - leaves PGR2 for dead.
  12. Hi, I've read that by resetting the ECU it's possible to improve the car ever so slightly. I believe it's possible the reset the ECU by unplugging the power supply for 24hrs, but is there any quicker way? Regards, RE.
  13. Saw a fairly nice R33 GTR the other day with plates GTR-001 around Caboolture. Anyone from here?
  14. I'm in if I can make it. I'm only available on Sundays, late Sats though
  15. God, I saw the worst driving I've ever seen about one week ago. Kinda hard to explain, but basically if the driver had taken the time to properly turn the steering wheel and perhaps use some of the 5m of space around them they mightn't have hit the car. Instead of giving a half-arsed attempt at turning the wheel, then sliding the front left of their car down the right hand side of this other car - they actually continued to let their car move down the side of this parked car instead of breaking and reversing to prevent any more damage. Old women of course.
  16. Saw a Silver SII GTS heading north on the bruce highway at about 7:45am yesterday. Looked nice.
  17. Hi, What's one of the better gearbox oils to use on a '96 GTS-T with around 80k on the clock. I was told Motul Gear FF by Merc. Motorsport. Thanks.
  18. I'm going to try and make it. Sound like fun, should be good. That is as long as this 'mystery' isn't Ska pissing off home a locking the doors. j/k.
  19. Looks like a v. nice S1 - I say S1 because the bonnet is flat accross, not raised like the S2s are.
  20. About 16% through now. Very happy with the game. The only two issues I have is that a) some of the car engine are terribly wrong (though some are excellent so kinda makes up for it) and b)some, infact most, RWD do not handle at all correctly when the rear wheels are spinning.
  21. Saw a very nice dark blue GTR-34 down Noosa today. Even today they look soooo much nicer than anything else.
  22. I might be able to make this one - although making the decision between GT4 and a cruise is hard. BTW what does BWCP stand for?
  23. Hi, I'm hoping to buy the HKS Turbo Timer 1 through Nengun performance. The price they've quoted is well and truely better than anyone else. My question is, is there any problem with ordering a turbo timer from Japan? I mean, will the LCD be in Japanense? :Oops: Regards, Andrew
  24. Meh, might aswell try and sell what's left of the car. Now though, you can say you've had a few lite-weight mods done.
  25. Yeah, seen it a few times. Over 320kw at all wheels apparently.
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