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Everything posted by negitive

  1. just wondering if any1 has a greddy type S atmo BOV for sale, if so hit me back with ur offers cheers
  2. could ya put me down for a greddy type S for r32 gtst cheers
  3. yep done all that and car seems to b running ok now
  4. his real name is Alex kantarovski and has a big reputation for ripping people off, including myself and a lot of ppl off sau and other car forums such as ns.com. i NEED every1 who has been ripped off and/or scammed by him to post all ur details here, details of what, when and how he scammed you. im am under serious consideration as to taking to court, this depends on whether i get enough support and more importantly, sufficient evidence against him. waiting for all your feedback
  5. nismo33: what phone number have u tried? mini: do u know wat condition that r32 was in?
  6. sad yet tru, the skyline community being pelted down with rocks by the general community due the actions of a few. even my mum was quesiotning me whether i did burnouts and drag race
  7. for those who did not tune in too see the story, hoons in high performance cars which they incldued some liners as well. not to mention they perposely chose the WRONG people to interview wat are your views?
  8. ahh mother fcuker.... just found out he sold my gauges, timer, gear knob and sed that the docks stole it! also tried to sell my coilovers, and kaaz lsd mother fcuker charged me 300 for a bonnet that costed him 175 to replace im sure theres plenty more stuff that i have yet to find out i'll get him one day
  9. how much do u know of this car? alex told me alot but i dunno if he telling the turth or if hes bullshitting to me. itz a black r32 gtst with gtr front bar
  10. man i just bought an r32 off him fcuk
  11. hey fellas, just got quoted for this CES twin dump pipe - $650 + installation is that a good price? thx
  12. zombie was yours just 'darkest legal'? looks good
  13. thx will keep that in mind for last resort =)
  14. sup guys, i need to borrow a stock airbox for my r32 gtst so i can pass the vicroads inspection test and finnally get rego i live in SE melb help much appreciated thx
  15. yehp will do
  16. thx for the info mate i told the inspector that i was allowed the pod filter because i didnt have a cooler... he still wanted to see a box around it ............................. ..................................................................... i hate him can some1 give me like evidence that im allowed a pod filter with no box? i really cbf getting a stock airbox
  17. thx inark, but unfortunately they already booked me into the same office in 2 weeks. looks like im going to have to do it the right way and get it done asap... either way all my papers expire today so im going to have to get them reissued wat a pain in the ass
  18. the inspector guy was telling me he wanted to see a streering wheel with padding in the middle the momo on i have is just a standared momo with a red ring and horn also he wanted to see the H patter on my gearstick
  19. dandenong
  20. well i was on my way today after 3 months of having my car off the road due to importing it to finally getting rego for the car. come inspection day and i have all my papers and everything. inspection is done and then they decided to reject my rego for three things 1. momo steering wheel 2. hks bov 3. pod now i have to start from square one and get all my papers re-issued :hellpisd: if any1 can help me with these items it would be really appriciated if you could help me out. i have an r32 gtst thx p.s vicroads fully sussed me out, and treated me like a criminal ... bastards....
  21. count me in + LinDa.C
  22. hi, just wondering where i can get some r32 rear pods, any1 willing to sell them to me? thx hit me back boys and girls :headspin:
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