This is a brand new in the box Belkin G+ MiMO router. Comes with every thing needed.
Sydney City, or Bankstown
$130 firm RRP $199 incl postage
Product Information
* Provides greater coverage than standard 802.11g with improved
reliability and fewer drops.
* Improves performance of standard 802.11g and 802.11b networking devices
* A Belkin G+ MiMO router used with an older 802.11g or 802.11b networking
product increases wireless coverage up to 10%.
* Improves resistance to wireless interference
* Delivers higher networking speed in a mixed-mode environment
* If a standard 802.11b device is introduced into a Belkin G+ MiMO network,
the Belkin G+ MiMO product will not drop to the standard 802.11b speeds.
* Provides advanced security: WEP 64-128 bit WPA-WPA2 support
* WiFi Certified
* Supports PPTP, PPPoE, IPSec pass-through protocols.
* Supports Bigpond cable heartbeat.
* Restricts Internet access by time of day to specified PCs
* Configures easily via a web browser
* IP Sharing Method: NAT (Network Address Translation)
* Firewall: NAT, SPI
* Clients Supported 253
* DHCP Server: Supported, User-Defeatable
* User Interface: HTTP/Through Web Browser
* Belkin Lifetime warranty
BELKIN Code: F5D9230AU4
PM only guys