Hey mate,
I'm not too sure on the whole "where are we now" as its the weekend, and I'm still in singapore but will be back in sydney late monday night....
back to the pump issues, I have it on very good authority from both paul and stace, and also SK that all that is needed is it to be mounted in the factory cradle after slight massaging of the mounts, then a relay added to the system...
I have given them paul's contact as he is more than happy to talk to them about it.. and to quote him " its a 1 hour job easy "
as for the only other drama I think they are having problems with the AFMS? I cant see why? as they should squeeze over with the stock rubber being streched, and then the new apexi filters bolted to the front.... as SK said to me " 2 90 deg brakets to the stock holes and you are done!"
good to see you were there to see how it was going.....
I hope to have it all sorted by mid week and tuned ......
I am 100% sure the pump and AFMS are a simple job, it is as they say "simple when you know how" ... I just dont want to end up with the bill for the learning experience.... as you could understand naturally....