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  1. Gorgeous pup mate, hope your able to find him a good home...
  2. erm no... MGS4 and SF4 costumes for LBP... Or maybe im too up to date with whats going on?
  3. Anyone else DL'd the MGS4 DLC? Im a sucker for it... Also bought the SF4 DLC... The game needs some new material though... im glad the MGS4 DLC comes with more than just costumes...
  4. You have PM Buddy
  5. Just got Unreal Tournament 3 (360) COD: W@W (360) Naruto: Ultimate Ninja STORM (PS3) Naruto: Broken Bond (360) Only played STORM so far, and im loving it!
  6. Currently playing LBP and Gears 2
  7. EB says 20/11/2008 Damn straight!!
  8. Because Wii isnt anything up to date, its a glorified GameCube... I still own one though... no idea why... I dont play it, but i dont want to get rid of it...
  9. Theres an option to turn the crosshair on... and im pretty sure Warhead is just an expanded ver. of the first isnt it? Anywho, i found FC2 to be a bit average of what i thought itd be... a bit dissapointed, ill probably pick it back up sometime next year when its cheap and continue... i just EB 7day'd it (360). Got Dead Space (360) on Tuesday and completed last night, great game, but not much replay value. also returned as EB 7day rental... Picked up Fallout 3 today, played about 3-4 hours, not exactly impressed, but im not completely used to it yet... very different to what im used to, and i havent played oblivion... Ill still be returning it in 7 days to chuck on a pre-order for Gears of War 2. Now just waiting for Little Big Planet and Naruto: Ultimate Ninja STORM, which i plan on keeping.
  10. Apparently parents can keep their kids away from R18+ DVD's, but OMFG! VIDEO GAMES!? THATS IMPOSSIBLE!!! WE ARE ASKING TOO MUCH OF PARENTS!! Most consoles can play video games along with DVD's, but from what i understand, this whole debarcle is saying some parents just cant comprehend the difficulty of keeping their children away from R18+ video games, yet they already do the same with movies/music etc... which a console (PS3/360) can play anyway. and if the child has the ability to put a game in, and play it, they can easily do the same with an R18+ DVD... Totally retarded arguement, non-gamers are saying if games need to be rated R18+ then they must have some awful content... ummmm R18+ rating for movies has been around for a while, and theres not always content that is THAT disturbing, its just not suitable for anyone under 18... I remember seeing some douche saying "i dont want to live in the same neighbourhood as someone whos raping someone else in a video game", ummmm i have NEVER seen a scene where someone is getting raped, or the player controlling the character to rape... yet, its in a fair few R18+ movies... Seriously, the majority of people who agree with this non R18+ bullshit are parents, and they need to pull their f**ken heads in, step up and play their role as parents, which is, pay attention to what your child is doing and make sure they are not playing/watching/doing something that they arent supposed to. It wouldnt be hard to have Video Game retailers treat R18+ games like cigarettes or alcohol... it must be easier than ever to be a parent now... some retarded school zones, no R18+ for video games, and now they want to do a china on us and block sites. f**k that, ill look up whatever i want! im not a paedophile, so why should i be treated like one? Good work Krudd, your doing a top job mate! Petrol is as high as ever, Aussie $ = fail, Internets getting banned, and adult gamers dont have the right to play what they want. Good work Buddy!! Oh and congrats to the peeps who voted for him, you got what you wanted!! no f**ken complaints!! Oh yeah, and that SA dude, i hope he gets voted out soon... Totally immature to ban something, then say "Nup, dont wanna hear any complaints, my word is final, deal with it, i dont care if your over 18, ill decide what you can and cant play"... If only we had those magical black vans that could take people like him away and we'd never see him again... OH WAIT! THE INTERNETS IS MONITORED NOW!! maybe ill get taken away by a black van and silenced... f**k Aus Govt. End Rant.
  11. Oh right, my bad... hmmmm ill have to think about it... i ment any OTHER member would get them for free... Call me when you want them or i can drop em over tomorrow arv...
  12. Cliff Blezinski doesnt think so... You can thank piracy
  13. Oh right, so you dont own a 360? Then im not one to give advice... PC gaming suxxorz... Console gaming 4 lyfe y0!
  14. Id say wait for Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Little Big Planet (PS3) or Far Cry 2... all are coming out late Oct, early Nov... Saints Row is a poor mans GTA, and GTAIV wasnt even that good (IMO)...
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