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Everything posted by SKYLVIA

  1. About time you hit next gen A little helpful thingy i wrote up for finding your Wii Friend code: Wii Friend Code: - On the Wii Main Screen, Go into "Wii Message Board" (Bottom right hand corner) - Click on "Create Message" (Bottom left hand corner, rightmost icon) - Click on "Address Book" - On the main page it will say "This Consoles Wii Number:" And theres your Wii Friend Code, which will be 16 digits. (example: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) Other Online Wii games... Super Smash Bros Brawl will be awesome online once its released in AUS. its great just playing with mates over, but once online opens up i think itll go off. Ive also heard BWii is pretty good online, but i wouldnt know... Wii's online network isnt as good as Live or even PSN... its a shame really considering they did pretty decent with the WiFi for the DS... its needing a major upgrade... the online shop is thought out pretty well though... Also, for a nice cheap HDTV, JB has the Soniq 42" HD Plasma's (720p max) for i think $1100... ive got one, and a mate of mine has one, i think theyre awesome, despite other peoples opinions of budget TV's. Soniq have really done a good job and i havent had any problems with it. P.S. My Wii Friend Code: 8862-1450-6936-1997 P.S.S. you better save up your pennies, Would hate for FFXIII to go unplayed...
  2. A magician never gives away his secrets
  3. Some coupons for PlayAsia: US$5 off a minimum of $50 purchase - VD-ZOQ-XRZ (unlimted use) US$10 off a minimum of $120 purchase - PF-UIM-BRL (unlimited use) Would appreciate if my >Affiliate link< was used. Enjoy
  4. ummm i think because the aussie $ can fluctuate depending on the market or whatever, it can possibly change, They correctly convert the US$ amount to the AUS$ amount though... so whatever it says its gonna cost, is whatever you pay, basically... P.S. im not sure about an AUS bank account... i pay via Visa Debit... works fine for me...
  5. Price drop on wheels, $1400 neg. Need these gone...
  6. Does Yahoo Auction have a buy it now option? Would prefer less stuffing around... Also, when does the Auction end for the brand new one? Will have to ask a mate how much it'd cost to ship here...
  7. Hey all, Just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of where i can grab a Japanese 60GB PS3? Ive checked out Yahoo Auction's, and they seem to be going for $600AUD-$700AUD but im not sure what condition theyd be in... Ive checked Ebay and there doesnt seem to be any Japanese PS3's... Is there anywhere else i could find one? Thanks
  8. Yeah its exactly the same... they dont send it to you in a plastic disc sleave... its got the cover and manuel etc... Infact my Naruto: Rise of a Ninja is the Japanese version, and the manual is all in english, cover is all in english, game is all in english (Shudder)...
  9. Well i bought mine in Feb (Possibly May?) and its - LAH10364941, and the Freeloader is still running like a charm... and Smash Bros Brawl is still 100% playable.
  10. Hey all, Not exactly sure how EOI works... But just want to see if theres any interest in the below Work Meister (4 holes) 17x8 +28 Fitted straight on to my Silvia, a little bit of gutter rash on the rear left... $1500 - Negotiable Stock GTR R32 seats Sold to MANG Silver '92 SR20DET Auto Silvia Will provide pics on request. If anyones interested, let me know. if you know anyone thats interested, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks EDIT: Whoops, forgot to add the mobile... 0404 612 943
  11. There was also a rumour that the latest Wii update would disable the Freeloader, but ive got the update and nothings happened so far...
  12. Theres a lot of 360 games that are region free, like Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4 etc... And for the Wii, you can get the Wii Freeloader that enables games of any region to be played on a PAL console, ive got one and play Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it works a treat.
  13. So i take it we all know who bloke #2 is...


    Yep, Naruto was good in the ol' days, some awesome moments in those early episodes. Shippuuden is crap compared to the original series (Minus the fillers), theres almost no action in them at all... most action packed episode was the last one ep51-52 seeing sasuke again, still not as good as the original... P.S. i hope to god your not watching the english version, i cant listen to it for longer than a minute without wanting to cut my ears off with spoons...
  15. YAY! Virtual Urinating!!! Ive always wanted to be able to urinate IN the toilet bowl, now i can practise!
  16. Smash Bros Brawl - Awesome fun, the main story goes for aaaages.... very well done too
  17. Really? strange... have you tried speaking to kakashi to get a mission? he should say he's too busy and Ebisu will train you, then you bump into Jiraiya... otherwise your game might b f'd...?
  18. ummm its not bad... the downloadable Japanese Voices is an awesome idea and a huge plus for me, as im a fan of the original Japanese VA's... Otherwise, the fighting isnt bad, i dont use many combos but they are there to use... not sure if you can make your own... Story is short, they try to intergrate the anime into the game as movie sequences... i think its a bit half assed but others may disagree... i think they couldve worked on the translations from Japanese to English a bit better... The cel-shaded graphics are smooth and well done. It can get a bit repetative at times doing random missions for villagers... and doing the blue scroll missions (Story Missions) is pretty short... id probably rate it a (being generous) 7/10 For an awesome video review check out GameTrailers Review (In HD): http://www.gametrailers.com/player/27752.html
  19. Just finished all the blue scroll missions, if your still having trouble, speak to jiraiya out front of where the finals should be, then go to the front door and hit X, you should be asked if your ready for the final exam...
  20. I think more than anything, its the Storylines and characters... Plus Square-Enix never seem to dissapoint in the graphics department, with CG cutscenes on PS2 that rival that of almost anything on 360/PS3... (Prime example: Lost Odyssey) but yeah, Story/Characters/Environments id say would be the biggest contributor.
  21. Havent got a PSP yet, only getting one for FFVII: CC and KH:BbS. ill probably grab a limited edition FFVII one from Yahoo auctions when i can afford it... Id prefer to buy FFVII and KH, im a fan of both series so i'll support them with my $$$. Thanks for the offer though
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