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Everything posted by SKYLVIA

  1. Thats not nice...
  2. Does anyone know where i can get cheapish tyres? i just need 2 rear ones...
  3. lol thanks guys, yeah im hoping for that email on friday, but if i dont, ohwell...
  4. Yeah good, Voting finished today, Im in the top 40 and top rated in ACT... If i get asked for an interview ill get an email on friday...
  5. Just sent you a PM
  6. Theres a 42" Plasma im thinking of getting... price is $1299 and i asked the guy what the best price he could give me and he said $1241... just wanna see if that is actually the absoloute lowest they can go...
  7. A random question... Does anyone here work at JB HiFi?
  8. No worries, ill take some pics tomorrow when the suns out... Paint damage doesnt seem to be THAT bad, seems really chalky... like itd hit a pole... but i wouldve noticed if i reversed into a pole... anywho ill get those pics up tomorrow
  9. Hey all, So i wake up this morning with being told i have a dent on the drivers side of my car, i go to check it out and its between the rear right wheel and the drivers side door... How it couldve happened? no f'n idea... i only went to the gym yesterday and it couldnt have happened there, plus i probably wouldve noticed it... and before the gym was the movie marathon friday night in belco... but i dont think it couldve happened there because the carparks are diagonal... youd have to be making an effort to reverse into my car... although it was dark when i got back into my car after the marathon so i may not have noticed it... but i still think i wouldve noticed, getting into my car yesterday to go to the gym and go home... Can anyone recommend a panel beater/respayer that wont rip me a new Ahole? I had my car reversed into a couple of months ago, but i knew who did it and their insurance covered the repairs, so i had to go to a recommended repairer... 1x break in and 2x being reversed into... in the last 12 months... i cant wait for this year to be over... Thanks guys
  10. I also need to get my side mirrors re-painted, theyre faded like a mofo... would only be getting them painted black
  11. Merry Christmas all, have a good one!!
  12. Square-enix always seems to bring out the best in consoles
  13. Finished AC, not 100% but story is complete... Currently playing GH3, i want more punk songs Konami/Bemani should do a GHvsGF me thinks. also borrowed COD4 from my cousin but havent played it yet...
  14. What i think would be awesome is if Activision and Konami/Bemani got together and made a Guitar hero vs. Guitar Freaks game, with the best music of Hero and Freaks, using the 2 different styles of play (GH uses 5 buttons, GF uses 3. not in the same round...) to challenge fans of both series, and the mix of western rock/punk and Jrock/pop. I reckon itd be great!! P.S. just because GF has only 3 buttons doesnt mean its easier...
  15. just got me GH3 http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Guitar-Hero-3-Bundl...1QQcmdZViewItem i was abit cautious cause of the price, but then i saw he was in ACT, so i got his contact details rang him up and picked it up within 30 mins yaaaaaaay now i can be a rock god!
  16. lmao good one pete Anyone know where a guitar is available? i know where i can grab the game... figured i might try the other way baconer mentioned...
  17. yarly... cept its like $400... whats the AUS release date on it?
  18. yeah but i want it now... EDIT: all of them are bids... and the one buy it now is $200... no thanks...
  19. Anyone know where Guitar Hero 3 w/guitar is still available in canberra? JB and EB are all sold out...
  20. Meh, i didnt expect any support from you mick P.S. thanks Michele! i wasnt sure about saying car names in the video because the T&A says no copyright or commercial material... i just wanted to be safe... otherwise the video wouldnt have been uploaded... ofcourse if i owned a skyline i wouldve been able to have it in the background or something...
  21. Actually i do! thanks leigh P.S. Make sure your clicking "Nominate for BB08!"!!
  22. Aslong as your nominating me spread it to everyone you know aswell!! anyone know how i can get intouch with 104.7 or something? i looked at the website but theres no contact us page...
  23. haha awesome, thanks mate!!
  24. I'll probably regret putting this here lol but here's my BB Audition vid for anyone interested... http://www.bigbrother.com.au/voting.html?memberId=518736 To nominate you need to register... takes less than 1min then you can nom whoever you want but can only nom a person once... just need to click "nominate for BB08!". you can also rate vids out of 5 stars... You dont HAVE to nom me, but if you dont...
  25. Spotted veilside yesterday at hoyts with some chickybabe... was gonna say hi but was going into my movie...
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