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  1. i'm going to name and praise.....Woolworths claim 96% of Veg. and fruits are Aussie grown...farkn sweet ay
  2. What camera body did you use?..the pics look sharp, i still can't workout if it's the body or the lens that give that quality.
  3. is she a Jenny with a willy ? just asking, so who ever takes her in don't get a surprise.
  4. Dan i love your work, i found an error on her left hip you might want to look over....
  5. are they located southbound ?
  6. how's the Forester on fuel?
  7. That would have taken looooong time to do i'd imagine
  8. these thieves are like atm machine for the police force...when ever they're short on change they go bust these well known thieves give them a fine let them go knowing they will steal again and won't bust them until next coin shortage.
  9. well wasteland is part of sau and this thread is part of sau so therefor wasteland rules still apply..not?
  10. Balls of steel...those things are snappy, i seen someones arm are nearly get taken off trying to handle that
  11. +1
  12. i dunno what it is but the car just didn't stand out for me
  13. what is this style of photography called ?
  14. the tits name wouldn't happen to be sgt. Gibson by any chance would it ?
  15. i think you might be on a winner here if the ticket doesn't state any time.
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