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  1. resin- yeh must be the 4 doors gtr32- drift/daily mr eps- u put forward a good argument just for the record id by a levin/sprinter i agree truenos arent worth it, and know that obviously sprinters dont come stock with the 4age in aus although i would put a 20 valve in it. i also dont want it for the takumi image ive always loved the look of them and the potential that they have when money is put into them but u make another good point about parts being interchangeble with s13 /r32 therefore making it easier to get parts and hopefully a bit cheaper. o and about the whole friends envying it i know of two ppl that have them already. very helpful mr eps!!! pentae- umm sorry mate not interested in the s13's
  2. hmmmm yeh still cant decide ill hav to think about it bit more 4 doors doesnt concern me really i dont need 4 doors i just love the look of cef's as compared to a silvia dunno why
  3. hey guys ive always wanted ae86 but went in a cef last night and fell in love so im not sure what i wanna get now so please convince me why i should get a cef........
  4. spotted a white cef at the lights in front of heathcote maccas going towards stanwell park (i lost him after that) had some camber on the rear wheels and also had gold/bronze rims anyone on here???
  5. im not into the whole bright colours custom interior thing but if thats what u like why not
  6. looks like vw hav to much money, building looks insane and there own tram to transport parts!!
  7. yeh i agree a lot of nice cars loving the is200's i dont understand why civics are so popular tho maybe f&f is to blame
  8. itd be all good to get cameras down but really they're there for a reason but as for unfair laws yeh get rid of them
  9. it was also in drift battle the last issue i think thee was a bit of info about it might be worth having a look
  10. hey guys im just curious is a compliance plate like a plate that says the car meets aus standards? if it is say u imported a sil80 how would u get compliance on that coz its not a factory car?
  11. hah i must say im a initial d fan takumi is my hero haha na but really love watching the cartoon. i dont reckon im co ordinated enough to brake with left while my right is just sitting there i wouldnt be able to do it i dont think. i spose ive never tried plus my cars manual and ive always used my right foot
  12. *feet i remember in initial d the guy in the mr2 does it apparently to prevent understeer?
  13. this may seem stupid but can u play jap games in a aus ps2 or do u have to get a special chip?
  14. why who r u? do u work for nissan or something id hope so big call to say "tell this guy who i am" haha u sound like a god
  15. i saw a black one near central station couple of weeks ago told my brother straight away hes in love with the things. i dont see the wipers being on the other side a big problem my dads vectra has them on the wrong side and i adapt to it straight away
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