I didn't ask you to recommend me to go to tafe to spray the car myself.
If you dont have a proper suggestion then dont bother posting at all.
I already have a university degree so you can get ******
Yes thanks pentae
will have to do the ring around.
2-3 k I think is okay for a respray in same color exterior only.
But I know you get what you pay but 3k-5k is a lot of money to spend on a paint job.
I have a run in with a few holdens and they've been pretty fast.
I want to go as far as possible and see how many kw I can get without changing the turbo...
My FMIC and exhaust + airfilter should help. and Dyno tune as well maybe..
Hi I just purchased my r32gts4 1 month a go..
I'm put a K&N air filter
Blitz exhaust and have a hybrid cooler ready to be fitted.
I know the r32gts4 is 140 kg heavier then the 32gtst bringing it to around 1490kg.
What kind of power can i get out of it to run quicker then other cars like WRX, and holdens.
What would be the next mods? apexi power fc?
Thanks for the help
Does anyone know where I can get a full respray for a decent price in Jet black
I'm looking to spend around the 2k mark and have a GTR spoiler fitted and get a GTR or Bomex front bar.
Must be in melbourne
I was wondering if someone would know why popping sounds come from the exhaust when I accelerate hard and change gears? The only mod is blitz cat back exhaust...I was told i'm running rich...
How do I fix this problem?
thanks in advance..