awesome cruise people's, had a great time and it was good to see so many new faces.
So glad i finally got to take the skyline out for a decent drive, was the first time in a couple of months and boy did it feel good!
only answer we can really give u is probably cause you haven't given us the rim width. for example i have 215's on a 9" rim but its not recommended and most tyre places wont even fit them.
haha, i work for this company and didn't even know we had anything like this on our site!
welding is one of them things that practice really makes perfect! Also you get what you pay for with machines!
Andrew, i think he's talking about it fouling with the 30/25 in the gts4 due to the 4wd!
now its just a matter of waiting for a drag strip to re-open, i think 10's could be possible with slicks and a good launch, what u reckon?
he says everything is sold or waiting on payment and all the money is supposedly going to unpaid bills/loans etc.
This diff specialist defintely knows his stuff, he had a mechanical there and showed me the difference and the one i got sold is definitely just a plain standard diff.