i'm getting there, give me a break fella's. (I guess things take time when you do things yourself to save money!) The hardest thing about putting this turbo on with the standard manifold is that the actuator fouls with the front compressor housing when trying to use the standard cooler piping! so u need to make up a new bracket!
Darren, i'm hoping that i have full boost before 4000rpm (14psimax) and i'm hoping that i won't need to redline past 7000rpm but i guess only time will tell, as soon as i have this actuator problem sorted i'll be going to see Sean!
Joel, Haven't got to the bottom of the problem yet, will do once everything is back on but one thing Andrew (sky30) did mention when he was down in Adelaide on the weekend was that my oil could have been a bit higher than what it was supposed to be and this caused the breathing probs! Have u got your new valve spring in yet?
Oh and to make thing worse now my daily driver is off the road with a blown diff so i have to drive the mrs's swifty around which is hard when i'm trying to pick up parts i need and she needs the car, arghhhhhhhhhhhh!