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Everything posted by Pezhead

  1. Yup need to send in the form so we have all your contact details - and please fill it in completely Pat. I mean life revolves around forms, we all know this. Ryan, you're spot on my friend. We have sessions set aside for newbs and will have some of our more experienced drivers available for pointers. Just a couple of pointers for ya that you can do before the day. Bleed your brakes and if you don't already have a high temp brake fluid replace with some good high rated stuff. I just mention this cause most don't know how hard the high speeds/deceleration on the track is on brake pads and fluid temps. This is another reason we only run 12 minute sessions. 8-10 hard laps really heat things up. Then just give your car a once over for your own peace of mind. Just look for leaks or anything loose that should be tightened up. Also, on the day after a session don't set your handbrake. Your rotors are super hot and if you set your hand brake it can seize the pads to the rotors or warp the rotors. The pits are flat but if you want bring a block of wood for a wheel chock. You'll come away with the biggest smile after your first track day. Pull me aside if you can catch me and I'll try to give you some more pointers.
  2. Actually should be a fun family day - you know, we're all friendly. Do the boys like cars? If so then double treat for them sweets and chocolate too. I will be in but flying solo, wifey isn't into long rides in the Skyline.
  3. Nice work Ian! I've been meaning to get around to do that effect with a car going around a cone.
  4. Third, same. Looks like a really good unit too!
  5. Sorry guys, Presidential duties (like maning a BBQ for 3 hrs) wore me out so I didn't have the time to do the normal videos. This is the price of being the man in charge. At least you I know you miss me
  6. Yes, thanks for giving up your afternoon runs to time Nick. Soon you'll all be seeing a new project I'm working on to automate the timing (still design phase though). More details will be coming soon.
  7. No one wants some awesome blow-offs? (Bump)
  8. Yup ditched the hat 1/2 way through cause the brim was holding the smoke in my eyes. Wasn't the new club cooler great! Kept Ice all day long!
  9. Please confirm in on attending this cruise as we have to confirm numbers for the shops. They are doing their best to accomodate us on top of their normal business traffic. So if you are coming post up here so we can get approximate numbers. Bring on the Choc!
  10. Well, it was an amazing day out there till the storm rolled in. Thanks to all the volunteers (and those that were volunteered) and especially to those that hung around to help pack up in the miserable conditions. It's a shame that I'm so busy doing stuff at these now so don't have hardly any time to shoot video or photos. If folks are willing to donate their video I'm happy to edit it together.
  11. Two of the GoPro's are still available for rent folks. Even if it's rainin outside these take great in car footage. PM me if you want to reserve one.
  12. We'll put you to work (evil laugh). Seriously though it is good fun helping out too. Just be sure to check in with me, Dave or Steve-O.
  13. $800! Well in a few months I will be building some custom ones for my car (maybe sooner) in FG and then Carbon cover them. I'll be sure to post it up here when I'm done.
  14. No public thread yet but will be up very soon.
  15. Hey Corinne, read the event calendar thread sticky in the NSW section. The event calendar is constantly updated. Why not bring your Ute to Wakie next month?
  16. Anyone that hasn't received their's check with Matboy. Also if you want one but haven't gotten it yet, come see us at the Texi. We have a handful left.
  17. 1500 launch? You mean 7500 right When you launch just hold the handbrake and slip the clutch a bit. That pre-loads the drivetrain so you don't jolt it on take off. You'll be right!
  18. Hey Duncan, why don't you bring it to the texi and rip mad skids!
  19. Yup, that's right. For CAMs you have to be a member of a CAMs club. If you are just going to run normal events AASA is just fine. CAMs just gives you access to open practice days at EC and a few other things. For SAU events AASA is fully recognised (and a bit cheaper too.)
  20. Gtech - sold GoPro - sold (pending payment) Blow-off's still available.
  21. I had to pull the Party Rock Anthem version because YouTube yanked the copywrited audio. Here is the version with royalty free music:
  22. Fire extinguishers are required. Again, an insurance thing.
  23. And I may add that you get A LOT! more runs at a Texi. And not sure how they'd feel about you deciding to smoke'm up a bit whereas you'll get big cheers from the SAU Crowd.
  24. A woman at work here has an E36 M3 with the rego plates "R3SSOT" (TOSSER Backwards - so when you see it in your rear view mirror you know who's following you)
  25. Great to see some action in here. Scott, you gonna return the favor and give me a ride in your beastie?
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