just a quick note, air pressure may be the same by air flow is completely different.
if you go on some of the theory some have mentioned here, a straight pipe will flow the same as a pipe with a 90deg bend and that is simply not the case.
the cut and shut plenum would have nothing to do with cylinder 6 leaning out. quite the opposite, if you were to flow test a cut and shut plenum, i could almost guarantee that the last cylinder is one of the lowest if not the lowest flowing cylinder of them all, and therefore a richer mixture. this would have more to do with the turbulence being experienced at the back of the plenum.
i remember reading somewhere (not my words) that the leaning out of cylinders has more to do with coolant flow and coolant temperatures at the rear of the engine more than anything else.
i recently purchased an egt kit which is currently on a customers car for some logging and once i get it back, i will be looking for another car to do some logging on and compare not only this theory but the theory behind standard and aftermarket plenums and the dis/advantages they may have.