How to make a complete inlet manifold and plenum from scratch. Pictures tell a thousand words. The end plenum is exactly the same, just the base is a little simple.
All hand made, no cnc machine just a milling machine and a lot of patience and measurements as you can see.
Piece of 10mm aluminium plate
A lot of time measuring and drawing and then approximately 4 hours on a milling machine. Not electronic aids, just by hand
Base and bellmouths cut and ready to go
All in place and tacked together
Sheet of 3mm aluminium
Sheet cut up and engraved
Might as well throw in a throttle body since I have a few "lying" around
And the end result. Polished and blasted ready to deliver.
Obviously there is a lot more to it, but you get the idea.
For example
designing of plenum to not only fit but do the job.....runner size, diameter, dimensions, length, plenum taper etc etc
matching round bellmouth to a square port
final matching of runners & base once complete welded
machining the base to ensure a perfectly flat finish
fitment of vacuum fittings
throttle cable bracket on the bottom of the plenum
make and mount fuel rail
most circumstances, mounting of injector bosses
Your looking at approximately 3-4 days works from design to end product you see above.
More than anything, this will give you an idea of why custom parts (that have been proven) cost so much....and to tell you the thruth my costs are nowhere near what I have seen charged out there. End hourly rate is approx $40 per hour usually less, compared to some workshops charging from $80-120+ per hour it isn't really that bad.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.