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Everything posted by ISL33P

  1. finally someone with some common sense when it comes to this modification
  2. Thanks Cubes r33 racer well picked up....you are on the ball, but it was just to say well done since i hadn't heard anything and was keeping an eye out on the thread with his updates. Its always good to see a car up and running. You would be surprised how many people have a collection of parts in their garage/cupboard.
  3. WELL DONE Brad !!!!! That is some serious hp for only 18psi....now its time for 30psi+ and making boost at only 36rpm..some people dont see that with a 35/40. Goes to show all your bits are doing the goods...well done again. Ariel
  4. no offence, but it doesn't matter who it was, if i was spending that kind of money i would want to see the product first.
  5. oh well, the good sh1t is always interstate
  6. thanks for the reply, where are you located ?
  7. i am assuming its not bb since you haven't mentioned it. any chance of a photo with a ruler/vernier showing the comp cover off and the front wheel size. not that i dont believe but your trader rating doesn't help. also, where are you located ? Ariel
  8. you mentioned CAS, how much ?
  9. just bought a few guages and these came with them. i dont need them as they are going in my dash. included is cups, mounting brackets and screws. A1 condition, came off a show car. retail for anywhere upto $50 each. open to offers from $100 for all three or $40 each. price includes delivery. pic attached. they are not scratches, just dust. Thanks, Ariel 0403 279 000
  10. so whats the latest with the belt tensioner and belt to use as i am doing this to my head on the next few weeks. also do you use two tensioners or 1 idler and 1 tensioner ? Thanks, Ariel
  11. reason for selling ? who are they made by ?
  12. as title reads. no longer needed, too small for what i am doing. brand new in a box comes with all fittings required to install. pic attached. best offer over $150 + delivery. happy to deliver anywhere. Call/sms 0403 279 000 or email/pm Thanks, Ariel
  13. retail $1,050 considering offers over $900. happy to post anywhere. still in a box as they were delivered. oiled and wrapped in paper and plastic. suit standard gudgeon pin size. bolt in replacements. are current in cars making in excess of 550-600rwhp Call/sms 0403 279 000 or email/pm Thanks, Ariel
  14. was that testing done using a standard computer or a computer that can control individual injector duty ? Spoolup - Brad nowhere near that of the standard plenum Cubes - that's what its all about
  15. i am dealing with a overseas company
  16. casting is not a cheap excercise, i have asked and am currently in talks with a factory to do exactly this....especially as they ask for a minimum order of 50
  17. the path of least resitance would be that where the air can escape the easiest, being the only cylinder which is not blocked and being tested. all in all its is quite hard to replicate the combustion process and the effects on airflow in an intake manifold/plenum on a flow bench and this seems to give the best results when compared to the performance of each cylinder. having said all that it would be interesting to test the plenum with none of the cylinders blocked or have them blocked in pairs replicating when they are at tdc. you would be surprised to know that 6 always flows the least in all rb series intake manifolds/plenums.
  18. so you would not recommend any of those plenums to a customer ? be it rb20/25/26. all flow testing, for the time being, is currently being carried out by a local engine builder on a sf600 flow bench, so i cant see how he would do it incorrectly. all these figures arer on invoices if you like to see them. totally unbiased as i am not there when it is being done and he does not have any involvement in the development of my products. the flow of each port is measured while every other port is blocked off with only air being drawn through the throttle body to give the best possible indication of the amount of air each cylinder is receiving. although it does not take into account what is happening in the other cylinders it gives the most consistent reading for each port without any other having an effect. from what i have done, variances like these do not have a real effect on engine performance until the envelope s really being pushed with leaner than usual afr's and big amounts of airflow. at the afr's more commonly associated with street cars, around the 11.5:1 mark, this does not casue a problem as it is being tuned to compensate for the highest flowing cylinder/s (3 & 4) and to not cause a lean out. every car i have seen after being tuned has variances in the colour of the plug which would support the flow figures i have. most recently seen a car lose compression in 3 & 4 when tuned at 12.5:1......this is no coincidence, just the practical proof of what the flow bench shows. what figures flow do you have ? ps - please pm those egt's as they didn't turn up last time
  19. the words "like all others" point to the fact that you have not only "tested" this style but others as well. what others are they ? what is their flow distribution like between cylinders on a flow bench/dyno (ps i am still waiting on those supposed egt logs you have in regards to them proving water temp's affecting afr/egt's in the rear cylinder/s of rb26's). i know what the standard one flows, and it isn't that good distribution wise. with a variance of 12.5% in air flow between cylinder #1 (the lowest flowing) and cylinder 4 (the highest flowing) it is nothing to brag about and something that is easily improved on (centre feed plenums are not as good a people think). your choice of rpm range for average power neglects the fact that nearly all modified cars have an increased power level outside of these values and hardly ever loose response/power in that range (in extreme cases they may). what do you revs your engines to ? what rev's do you need for it to fall back in the range where it will not greatly affect the cars accelaration upon changing gears....i doubt it is anywhere between 3-5000rpm. since this is the rpm range where different turbo's really come into there own, it doesn't really give you a true and correct indication of the cars true performance regardless of plenum type/design. more airflow = more revs = more power. higher average power from 0-rev limit and beyond is one happy driver/owner. PS anyone out there got a greedy (or imitation) plenum out there not yet installed (will happily pay for postage there and back) ? i would like to see how badly there really distribute air but have enough airflow to increase power and happily post up all results and maybe throw in some other interesting results.
  20. please pm for any enquiries as i dont want this too appear as a advert for myself this is an info thread and a very popular, not to be used to promote my own interests unlike others out there Discussion is knowledge, knowledge is power and without discussion the ignorant die a long, slow and frustrated life. If you wish to put yourself in that category, feel free to do so, but please change your sig because you do think you know everything Revs = power and you yourself say the standard plenum causes a restriction which does not help this equation. Engine life comes with a properly prepared engine, you, a self-proclaimed expert should know that My own rb30, purchased in 1998 with 157,000k’s, went thru a lot and I owned it for 6 yrs, 4 yrs (more than 70,000k’s) at my hands/feet and is still going to this day (to the best of my knowledge) making at least 370rwhp (stopped making power at 6200, the standard factory imposed rev limit) with completely standard internals and it used to get revved, although accidentally during burnouts, racing or a missed gear, to more than 8000rpm but more commonly 7250 rev limited (why so high when it stopped making power at 1000rpm earlier, simply becuase i loved the sound of it revving with the wastegate screaming and so did everyone else ). Don't know about you, but that's what i call reliability and repeatability, the essence of "engine life". Sounds like we have a Dyno Dynamics rep on board, how lucky we are Poor distribution is simply a matter of poor plenum design. Maybe you should try some of the more proven and tested plenums before jumping to conclusions that they all are the same. edit - there are plenty of people out there that claim results, so maybe you should try a few more
  21. good stuff AM Performance - so much for all the know it alls saying a stock plenum is good enough for 300rwkw without a restriction........dream on people !!!!!!! significant differences from as little as 188rwkw which is pretty much a stocka rb25 with intercooler, exhaust and boost upgrade. the mid range loss can not be attributed to the new plenum due to the boost spiking and giving a higher output figure at that specific part of the rev range. an all round significant improvement, well done again. i have proven on several different engines that short runners show no negative effect at all - quite the opposite usually - on low-mid range torque/power on any turgbcharged application. time for some to get back to the drawing boards....yes that is all you "experts" out there sorry for the rant but people thought my comments in other "technical" threads were just a cheap form of advertising. this just goes to show that people out there need to try it before bagging it because their experiences are all to narrow minded and not what progress is all about and this is what people are continually looking for from a perfomrance car. Thanks, Ariel
  22. thanks 2BNVS and turbo87. both these cars make some serious hp on what is considered reasonable boost levels. different turbos and engines, but both retain the rb25 head. benigno - i am currently doing a plenum for a rb26 which will be using the standard rb26 itb bolt pattern
  23. any ideas what it runs on pump fuel ? so how does that power relate to pump fuel ? not many people get around on sunoco fuel on a day-to-day basis. allows more boost, timing and fuel compared to pump fuel. not knocking it, just trying to put things in perspective for other who dont run sunoco.
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