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Everything posted by ISL33P

  1. This is all for the weekend's updates....3 on the right are the race version rb30 and 3 on the left are street version rb30. Both will have billet fuel rails and 80mm billet throttle bodies Final round of the go karting season tomorrow so I have to get the kart ready tonight and up early tomorrow morning. Lucky the track is only 5 minutes away....
  2. from Elvis "dori34": "not slandering ur stuff, it is good quality "
  3. Hey Elvis, All you have to do is take it off and I will come and get it and fix it FOR FREE...not to hard really. Ariel
  4. today's work....1jz in mk3 supra next week I will start a street and a race version rb30
  5. nice work there
  6. haha stop coating and start welding
  7. now you have to weld like I do and you are nearly there
  8. They are sandblasted prior to welding. If they are not blasted and you try to weld them, the impurities should only come from the cast and not from the oil on the inside of the runners. If that's what's happening you are using to much amps. I used to weld them before blasting them but as you can see the result is just fine doing it before and this justifies not having to blast them afterwards as well. You could ask what type of sand I use to blast them, but then I would be giving away all my little secrets Ariel
  9. Some progress pics from the weekend. I finished the 2 rb25 plenums. Next is a 1JZ....
  10. pm sent
  11. I use a 20 size torch....being watercooled it is a lot smaller than the air cooler ones. I have very rarely needed to extended the tungsten out of the cup or turn the gas flow up when welding aluminium....I usually just crank the amps up. I do though for stainless/mild steel and tight spots.
  12. here's just a couple pics from the weekend mr 32 - see the integration between cast and raw aluminium using 5356...no problems at all
  13. yes I do but usually only when I make a plenum. I would consider making them as group buy with speedflow style screw on fittings.
  14. For some reason I believe they do but not 100% sure since I usually make my own. I would just see if anyone else can confirm, I think the rb25's are not. This has been proven over and over to produce the best results in terms of flow and consistency between runners with a correctly designed plenum.
  15. i will try and get the pics up tonight of the two welded with 5356....i have never had an issue with any plenums falling apart because of using 5356
  16. no change in the design just adapted to suit different runners. This is actually the 5 different type of rb25 runner i have seen but more interestingly the 2nd r33 one.
  17. I always use 5, I have used 4 in the past but never really liked it. What are your thoughts on the 4? I will have some more pics up in a couple of days of the welding I done on the weekend....more of the cast to raw aluminium and it turned out quite well and consistent which is most important.
  18. Well spotted......its the 3rd different rb25 manifold I have seen. More pics of the bellmouths and plenum base welded on during the week.
  19. This weekends update..... The rb26 above is finsihed and will be packed to make its way to Canada tomorrow. Below are a couple of RB25 plenums I am doing over this weekend and next and also a (dare I say) 1JZ I am finishing off after going to the customer to ensure fitment. I will hopefully have the 2 RB25's finished tomorrow. Happy welding, Ariel
  20. yeah me too......poor little rb20 is going to cop it
  21. unfortuantley I have a test dummy rb20 already lined up...but this will be more for pushing the boundaries as it is being replaced with a 26/30.
  22. as for rb20 info, watch this space when i get some time after the rb25 testing i actually need someone to draw them up for me to do the cfd from reports cfd results are actually very similar to flow test results when the same environment is used, meaning real world vs what is simulated
  23. that is far from the truth!!!! another one of those internet created misconceptions....and there are plenty more out there this was tested on a flow bench....EGT testing is coming with the test car
  24. Oh good. The reason why i asked is becasue sometimes people just ask it because they think its fancy and have read it somewhere else....and I also wanted to see who could do it for me so I could compare it to flowbench figures...unfortunately your in QLD. So that would answer your questions, no I don't but would like to find somene local who could do it for me and show me how its done...so if there is anyone out there who can, please pm me.
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