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Everything posted by Horus

  1. late 90s, my fave stuff was Carl Cox type stuff, I also really dig the late 90's acid trance and goa
  2. sounds cool, maybe Ill stay sober this time, hehe wats the price for getting into QBH??
  3. sounds cool are there gonna be any fully sick track attack vids to play this time?
  4. very nice mang, love the rims especially
  5. damn, that shit has happened to me as well my response is to tell them if they dont like my driving the can suck my left nut, and that if I see them again Im going to run them over
  6. yes cops are truly cops from what I hear they make printouts and read them periodically
  7. hehe nice vid with the amount you thrash taht car ur gonna need another engine rebuild soon
  8. NO SOUP FOR YOU! :bahaha:
  9. Horus


    LOL! d/w man. Ive been raped by the cops as well, more than once I might add
  10. I knew someone who had the same fuel pump, and it whined like a mofo as well, you could hear the damn thing from 20 meters away, hence Im pretty sure that its normal for those fuel pumps to sound like that
  11. Horus


    hahaha something u unfortunately no a lot about
  12. Horus

    Calder drift...

    hhehe Alex, at least SR's dont need a rebuild every 100k kms
  13. when I use optimax my engine knocks at above 4k rpm, so I use BP Ultimate
  14. Horus

    Calder drift...

    ahahahha dont flatter him 15 seconds
  15. hehe, that the advantage of waking up at 4 in the arvo, I didnt have the c0cktease of sunshine in hte morning
  16. cheers, that would be interesting
  17. nah not yet, Ive only been out on the track once, geoff, there is so much I have yet to learn, Im a total noob right now
  18. HEHE, thats pretty funny coming from a walking corpse
  19. yeep my car was sitting outside while the storm happened, its bracks fault once again
  20. now now, theres no need for profanity fallout boy. ok my other rules are: dont **** with the stereo without consulting me first dont **** with the climate control under any circumstances yelling shit out the window gets you banned for life from riding in the car if Im scaring you just close your eyes and hope for the best and yes I know you ladies get wet while riding in the car, but you must refrain from blowing me until the vehicle has stopped moving
  21. geezus, after reading the rest of your rules, I think I have a few more rules as well, but they are unwritten rules, and I shouldnt have to state them :burnout:
  22. well it wont be fully prepped, but I still need brakes and fuel pump b4 I run it again at very least, and a few other bits as well, besides I want to master heel toeing b4 I hit the track again as well
  23. haha Gordo is 500 1337
  24. sounds like fun, but the car wont be ready by then, so Ill prolly pop down on the sunday and spectate
  25. hehe cool as, but my car wont be track worthy in a mere 2 weeks
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