damn, that shit has happened to me as well
my response is to tell them if they dont like my driving the can suck my left nut, and that if I see them again Im going to run them over
I knew someone who had the same fuel pump, and it whined like a mofo as well, you could hear the damn thing from 20 meters away, hence Im pretty sure that its normal for those fuel pumps to sound like that
now now, theres no need for profanity fallout boy.
ok my other rules are:
dont **** with the stereo without consulting me first
dont **** with the climate control under any circumstances
yelling shit out the window gets you banned for life from riding in the car
if Im scaring you just close your eyes and hope for the best
and yes I know you ladies get wet while riding in the car, but you must refrain from blowing me until the vehicle has stopped moving
geezus, after reading the rest of your rules, I think I have a few more rules as well, but they are unwritten rules, and I shouldnt have to state them :burnout:
well it wont be fully prepped, but I still need brakes and fuel pump b4 I run it again at very least, and a few other bits as well, besides I want to master heel toeing b4 I hit the track again as well