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Everything posted by Horus

  1. just remember, boost is not your friend today
  2. well I wouldnt go as far as to say I care about other ppl's safety, but I certainly dont want to harm anyone...
  3. fair enuff, maybe running red lights is an extreme example, but my point being that unless you obey 100% of the road rules 100% of the time, you have no place to talk, yer its dangerous on the street, but thats the thrill of it, now I havent been booked for anything for at least 6 months, still have 9 points on my license, never get pulled over etc. but I still enjoy the occaisional squirt, and in a careful controlled manner there is nothing wrong with that, in fact I get people trying to run me more often than I try to run other people
  4. all Im trying to say is another track, government or private funded, closer to melbourne, would drastically reduce drag racing/street racing related mishaps on the road, ie - why would you want to risk getting fined and possibly injured for doing it on the street when you and your mates can go somewhere locally to prove to each other how big your balls are?
  5. well I usually dont waste my time dragging, but when I do its at the lights, thats right, on the street. Can you honestly say you always drive at the speed limit, never run a red, never drag at the lights? Well if you are seriously like that, you should sell your car and get a mazda 121. Calder and heathcote are both far from metro melbourne, and Calder is quite a wank, 55 bucks or whatever for 5 runs? thats a joke. If they built even 1 more strip that was closer to or in melbourne itself it would definately encourage people to keep it off the streets, and as far as night curfew goes on p platers, Im all for it, most of them cant drive...so unless ur mr model citizen all the time cut out this holier than thou crap
  6. if you dont build drag strips for the public, they will get their jolies on the street, plain and simple, its quite a copout by the state government to not build them, because it has already been proven to curb illegal activities in other states. Imagine if there were no pubs, people would just drink in the streets, or at home. And considering most peoples driveways arent 1/4 mile long, they just take it to the streets
  7. this is so moronic I cant even to begin to comprehend the idiocy of not building a dragstrip....but this is what u get for putting a leb in power
  8. haha at this rate the race will never happen
  9. thats farked up, goddam I hate junkies as well...not boost junkies or bass junkies tho
  10. not bad, but I was expecting 250ish
  11. good work! Im thinking of getting my car serviced there
  12. yer Iim coming down, but Im still wearing in my new clutch, so Im not gonna run it, sorry bois
  13. lol! I bought it stock but its already modded guys! 170 rwkw @ 13 psi and nah narkeh, I drive manual now, none of that auto womens shit
  14. oooh, ok, wen i get front n dumps lets race bitach
  15. so wats he got now?
  16. Horus

    Farkin Knobs.

    yer mayn, someone has put a voodoo curse on you or some shit
  17. talk is cheap, you guys need to race to settle this...
  18. yeep farken hipocrite :uzi:
  19. haha, these two are obviously joking around so just chill monkeh
  20. so is it this friday or next friday?
  21. yer true that! Time for forgies I guess
  22. a tt 3.5L 6 only made 270 rwkw? thats a bit diasapointing.....
  23. Horus

    Farkin Knobs.

    OMG I bet 54% of all ppl dont no that!!
  24. why? will you be getting a little bit from column B :gaga:
  25. haha, I guess I have yet to master the wang
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