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Everything posted by Horus

  1. haha this thread is old! and I am poor!! no 34 for me.....i fell stoopid now
  2. cool channel 10 should cover the event I EXPECT to see gezza and Richo caining it on TV!!!!
  3. ok sorry i went off at you, let me explain myself: even if i did get the green light to get your car, going from ~100fwkw to 320 rwkw is suicide, and thats right, we dont need another mines datsun..and about your friend telling me this stuff..Im serious, Ill tell ya in private about it
  4. oh and btw Im paying for the gtr myself you fat ****ing dodgy cracker lets meet up ben, i think we need to have a chat
  5. a friend of bens who i wont mention's name told me the following: the car was in an accident he bought it for 35k with all the mods on it and then swapped the turbs. Ben then offered me the car for ~50k nice car n all, but it seemed a bit tired, but thats all good..I took some pics, of the car took it to my mechanic, he said to stay away from that car, the lines werent straight... so i decided after that bens car wasnt the one for, me, and he got very annoyed about it and so on and so forth.... guys really, how hard is it to look at a car in the light and see if the ****ing panels are straight? go and see the carizma car, you will see... and ben, i really dont give a flying **** about your car, i just dont like ppl trying to make a fast buck off me, that is if your mate is telling the truth
  6. **awaiting flames and bannage*** i gtg and do some things, buit Id love to continue this discussion later
  7. get ****ed ben and go and sell your dodgy cut and shut somewhere else
  8. its very simple mate just look at the panels in the light, and those panels arent straight...the left side of that car has taken a serious hit...quite frankly its better to stay away from ******* alltogether...they are rip off merchants...i mean 40k for a damaged GTR? get farked.... Company name removed ~K
  9. stay away from the carizma one...I saw it a few weeks ago, its been in an accident
  10. pics sent. Will check what month the car was made
  11. 1989 Skyline R32 GTST 95,000 Klms ODO Black Manual HKS intake Momo steering wheel Aftermarket Exhaust Boost gauge Aftermarket front bar Front strut brace Condition note: drives well and the body is straight. Paint is in average condition and the bonnet is white $9500 LANDED for pics email me [email protected]
  12. they also have a soarer with a 4 inch zorst
  13. you know you love me
  14. you know we all love denham
  15. sounds like a plan Im dere
  16. im down, i find out today whether Im getting the stock 97 model or the modded 95 model...so if you guys like the car I end up getting Im happy to put it in
  17. Horus

    Friday Night

    I might pop down, and Im not gonna drink, cos quite frankly Im up for a blue this weekend
  18. haha, I havent even asnswered my own question yet hmmm......I guess Id like to meet Quckr33Melb, he cracks me up, as well as that vlt leb uleh guy
  19. i play the bass its an Ibanez TR series, or the 4 string crushf**k as I like to call it...sadly tho she is down to 3 strings atm, but Im considering getting an electric guitar, maybe a BC Rich, a Washburn or an ESP
  20. Hey guys, I was going to puit this in the wasteland, but I thought Id keep it vic specific who on the forums would you like to meet who you havent met yet?
  21. dude i love bali shit please bring me back some sort of weed bowl if u can
  22. nice car buddy whats the retail on one of those things?
  23. Horus

    Sept MAS

    james is very busy, I spoke to him the other day and it looks like presidential duties for mas will have to be taken over by someone else
  24. good work man, you did the right thing personally tho, I woulda taken some boys around and beat them senseless
  25. Horus

    Sept MAS

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