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Everything posted by Horus

  1. apples and nutella is great
  2. yer, when they were running his election campaign(the first one) they should have changed the slogan from 'labor cares' to 'labor snares'
  3. lol I have the same problem with my current car, at first its a nightmare, and you nearly have a heart attack every time you try to change lanes, but after a week you learn how to adjust your mirrors, and it isnt so bad
  4. look, Im no tough guy, but if I ever met Bracks I would knock the **** outta him god willing some day I will
  5. digital is the way forwards
  6. one titanium shift knob please....
  7. bolognese with mayonaise mmmmmmmmmm
  8. Horus


    oh shit hope ur alrite mate best wishes and a speedy recovery
  9. haha quite frankly I dont know what to believe anymore. the lawe states one thing and the cops pretty much do and say as they please
  10. hey mate, sorry to be yet another person to bother you, but could you get me the titan shift knob- the one with the gear pattern on it? woulda sent a pm, but ur box is full thanks in advance if u can, and if u can, how do I pay you?
  11. are the strippers at this place any good? either way Im down
  12. yes I snowboard well actually Im a newb but I still do it
  13. muchos gracias el gordo Ive been done there a few times and it looks like I can get my money back now
  14. pink bits pink
  15. no more rex, their gearboxes are shit If I get a bank loan Ill get a s15, if not Ill get a 180sx, no more GTR because I dont want to be paying off a bank loan for the next 30 years
  16. yes ash I know, but he could have still been an asshole, done a roadworthy inspection, given me some other more expensive bullshit fine, etc, so Im quite happy at the end of the day
  17. After driving to work this morning, my view of the TMU has changed completely! Well for the moment at least So it goes like this.. Im driving to work this morning, running a little bit late, so as I approach the chapel/commercial intersection(coming down commercial road) I notice that its 9 o clock, so I put my foot and go through the intersection a bit fast. Next instant I hear a siren and see disco lights behind me as a TMU car pulls onto commercial from chapel, so I stop immediately. The cop gets out of his car and then asks me why I was speeding. I apologize, and tell him I was speeding because I was late to work. He tells me that its dangerous to speed through that intersection, and that many pedestrians have been killed there due to negligent drivers. He then tells me that if I want to speed, I should do it further up the road where there are less pedestrians. Im serious Next thing he takes my license back to his car, runs the necessary checks, and then comes back. As usual, the copper checks that Im wearing 'corrective lenses' and then comes the big punch. The copper tells me I have 2 options: I can either take the fine/loss of points for speeding, and will have to take the car in for a roadworthy, or he can give me a $105 fine for 'failing to stay in marked lanes' with no loss of points, guess which option I took So I got off pretty lightly, and by a TMU cop as well!!! Maybe they arent as bad as they are made out to be, or maybe this was just a nice cop.... Either way, I thought Id share this story with you guys, not to endorse speeding, but to show that even TMU cops arent always bastards
  18. ahahaha the try hard muzza is back!!!! so where have you been trying to preach the gospel of the VL during your time away from sau?
  19. All you can really do to an M3 is exhaust, intake, cams and computer....unless you turbo it I guess...thats what a BMW mechanic told me recently
  20. Horus


    mate! you must be my long lost soul mate....
  21. ahahahhahaha of course cameras are allowed I mean come on, they will need something for their 30th's.....
  22. Horus


    haha if you really want to get her back, help out around the house n shit, that way when u turn 18 you will be encouraged to stay, and if you still want to leave then, well its up to you
  23. mmmmm Im down the topless chicks would just be a bonus
  24. thats ccol Im down
  25. haha to be honest Im suprised you already dont have a tongue ring and quite frankly you need one, its will suit you
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