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Everything posted by Horus

  1. hehe, Ill be there, and Im sure I wont be able to remember any of saturday night on sunday morning
  2. congradulations and good luck ....but I fail to see what those cool pictures have to do with the topic
  3. hehe sounds like you are going to have meet our good friend green chautreuse....
  4. oooh la la very nice anything been done to it?
  5. cya ant
  6. wow thats really gay
  7. I think its according to how much money you have donated to sau
  8. really? I thought aliens had reached the limit of what rectal probing could teach them...maybe there is something special about ash....
  9. bah I was toasted
  10. 1. Scent of a woman(I just didnt get it...maybe Im not in touch with blind ppl these days) 2. The Haunting(they did a good job setting everything up, but the climax never came) 3. Ghost Ship(just plain awful) 4. Spiderman(I used to read the comics and was very disappointed by the movie 5. The Hulk(nuff said)
  11. hahahahahaha where have I been all weekend? come on guys, for a yobbo who by right should be into V8's instead of jap turbo cars Ash isnt that bad
  12. 1. Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2 2. The Matrix 3. Detective School Droupouts 4. Bowfinger 5. Predator
  13. I refuse to post untill 1 am when I get back from seeing Kill Bill 2
  14. so whats the official plan then?
  15. Optimax is shit Synergy 8000 all the way
  16. http://maddox.xmission.com/
  17. well thats right unfortunately Im one of those softcore niggaz who doesnt have the juice to get mad propz to ride them hoes Im very dissapointed in myself right now....
  18. bling bling nigga (btw I have no clue what you just sed )
  19. speaking of skylines when is that home and away thingo gonna be on?
  20. nah man, I ws trying to see what it felt like....cos Im such a hardcore gangsta and am too quick to get shot by one of my foes
  21. mate Im so hardcore I shot myself in the foot just to see myself cry and the ninjas I fight are a never ending horde of Ryu's from Ninja Gaiden...and if you have ever played that game you would know hes a madman
  22. I think he did... Mate Im so hardcore I walk on hot coals barefoot while fighting ninjas
  23. No Im not...Im prolly the same age as her after all
  24. ahahaha Ive had a thing for Sabrina ever since she was on Clarissa Explains It All
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