you dumbass if you want 300 kw at the wheels you have to put stickers on your car, especially a NOS sticker that adds 50 hp off the mark, and a few apexi stickers and dont forget the greddy stickers as well.....
just playin man...... the end of the day the current speed camera rules are BULLSH*T because legally the speedo on a car can be up to 10% off yet the coppers can fine you for being a mere 2.5 kms over the limit
just my 2 cents for yall
sorry guys,
but I needed to vent, its not that Im not happy for all of you its just that Im feeling like a jackass myself for being sin gle for almost 4 years
flame away means tell me off
my lude is a 4th gen one, and its burgundy, license plate VTEC 92 where in prahrahn do you study? I go to the gym in prahrahn