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Everything posted by Horus

  1. Horus


    From the album: Horus's Gallery

  2. Horus


    From the album: Horus's Gallery

  3. Horus


    From the album: Horus's Gallery

  4. ah cool that B4 is my mates mates car
  5. chasers www.chasers.com.au do all the work on my car, great service great prices they can build your engine in a week benny even did my boost controller for free, perk of getting all your work done by him
  6. well, as long as u dont act like a tool, yes
  7. haha u should defiantely come if u do Ill buy u a beer
  8. coolies, Ill be there with 50 bucks for ya adz, so could ya please have my lanyard and stickers, thanx
  9. driving a VL u have no room to talk sunny boy
  10. ....u and 99.995% of ppl with modified turbo cars
  11. sorry nark but the bro went out lanning all day, and hes at his mates now, with his comp that has the pics on it, Ill whip him good tmoz and get some pics up then
  12. anywhere in thomastown -nuff said
  13. goodyear abbotsford 9427 0934 speak to jason, tell em sam recommended ya jack also knows these guys and can vouch for them
  14. round and for the car? brand new work deep dish rims
  15. LOL nah not for a long time tho, all speeding related activities now take place behind the wheel
  16. SLOW DOWN not that I can talk muhahhahahahahha
  17. np, just gotta process them, Ill get the assistant to do that tomorrow
  18. nice pics Ni I got heaps of snaps of your car as well, will post em soom Jarius is a top bloke, and a funny c*nt he was doing pretty well with the ladies at the afterparty
  19. www.silviaspares.com.au
  20. Horus

    Thanks SAU execs

    good work guys, sorry I couldnt come, was helping out at banzai
  21. dude u are clueless dont you know that the monster tacho gives you 20 kw gain at the wheels
  22. epa sux....Ive had my car for 3 months and have received 3 epa's for it so far oh well, I guess its time for a new quieter zorst, so I just ordered a fujitsubo system from japan, should arrive late jan
  23. wow thats a big step doxxie, congrats
  24. protek do my tuning they are good
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