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Everything posted by Paradizzle

  1. Sarah, happy bday!! ...you drinking yet?
  2. PM sent with details.
  3. A tracker alarm would be best, best to PM Chris Rogers, he is in QLD and knows his stuff. He will be able to give you some good advice and would be easily the best person to install your alarm.
  4. i know of a automotive beutician in Bulleen who does some restorations and good work.... Im sure they would be able to fix her up or point you in the right direction.
  5. Dude that is twisted and bloody scary if true. im going to sleep with the light on tonight....
  6. Wow this stuff is freaky, i would probably actually shit my pants if any of this stuff happened and i saw it.
  7. Hey buddy, Look in the groupbuy section. Their is a thread on sealed batteries, or PM Wrxhoon (his the one running it) $156 delivered or $140 pickup in sydney. I am getting one, they are 600CCA and fully sealed battery!!! well worth it for the price. Goodluck!
  8. hey mate they are quite pricey, are you patient guy? maybe you should look at importing yourself?
  9. lol, nice one mate. any pics of the new 'shagen wagon'?
  10. Confront the guy who sold you the car, if the guy had any decency he would have not sold the car like that or advertised it that it had a problem. Turn that problem around onto him, fist by fist.
  11. I know of someone who went through when it was orange, they t boned the person turning. The person turning claimed that the person going straight ran a red light. Insurance claim went on for around 2 weeks, Police said that both were to blame and could not find a person at fault. The person who turned had to pay excess for both repairs, the insurance companies decided that it was the turning persons fault as the turning person must always give way.... I hope the other guy has to payout becuase he clearly ran a red and you have witnesses!! good luck mate.
  12. ^^ agreed, the guy who sold you the car is a rat.
  13. hmm, ive also been looking around. I went to battery world today and they quoted $138 for a 'Delkor' Calcium battery with 330 CCA... Doesnt sound like a very good buy.
  14. I hope Sato makes his own team next year, he is the next big thing. TEAM SATO!! His next big step is keeping the car on the track.
  15. haha this guys a the sphincter of the universe
  16. Paradizzle

    World Cup!

    I have a bulge in my pants
  17. Wow thats pretty cheap mate. Are they the right specs to run good bass with a 12" sub? What material do you use? thanks.
  18. hey mate, you have to post a price. cheers.
  19. hmmm, looks like you have been having to much fun with your car Is it constantly leaking, as in have you cleaned it then it returns after you drive it?
  20. Maybe they realised its the British GP and that the ITV commentary team would probably have dedicated 3/4 of the race to talking about Button. Even though he did crash out, they would have continued to talk him up until they get a lump in their pants. I think Channel 10 did us a favour. And DAMN ALONSO too good once again!
  21. Fire and Theft only covers you up to $5000 from my understanding.
  22. ^^ good link, cheers.
  23. although i agree with 95% of the comments in here, and Anjoo brought most this shit on himself... you cant say that 'he got what he deserved' (thats if it happened as he said it) No one deserves to be taken out and have their car written off even if you retaliated to another f**khead. No one deserves to have their life almost taken away, if there was a massive pole or something else around who knows what would have happened, just for being as much of a nob as the other driver was. If it it didnt happen as he said then f**k YOU Anjoo, but if it did happen thats some f**ked up shit.... but seriously Anjoo some of the rubbish you have been speaking has made you sound just as much of a wanker as the other dude. Equal to blame.
  24. lol, what a mad c**t. MS can do what he likes though, he is rich as f**k and could bone any bitch he wants.
  25. I heard a rumour in the Paddock..... Webber will win at Silverstone... sit back and watch... Sato second
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