If you go direct through a reputable supplier in Japan they would have more to loose selling you a dodgey car then a broker here would. A supplier in Japan gets business and survives through building a good rep and keeping an honest name, thus having to ensure quality cars arrive as described to the final buyer. If they f**k up, word will spread quickly and their reputation/business goes to shit.
Most brokers here will go to the suppliers in Japan with good reps, and they will source the car. So in effect if you get in contact with the supplier in Japan you will be able to save your $1,100 and put it towards getting a better car.
Customs, compliancing....etc is not difficult, and only really requires a few phone calls.
If you need any help doing it on your own, PM people who have posted in this section or myself and we will be able to help you. I have recently imported direct through a supplier and it was not difficult and I have recieved a VERY nice car as described.