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Everything posted by Paradizzle

  1. close he is 16.
  2. the rest would be acting 30?
  3. if you put a 'bunch' of 6 year olds together and add up their age that means we would be acting around the age of lets say 24.
  4. agreed your age is quite low.
  5. the only downside is that apparently their known for their engine and gearbox problems. I heard they are really rough, thats why they dont hold their re sale value. Its a pity, its one of those cars that look good but are really a lemon.
  6. My mate got one for his first car, he got it for 8k! and that was without reg + RWC, when he sees this he will be pretty pissed. 5k is cheap as. Maybe its that cheap because its red?
  7. wrong section, post in 'Wanted to buy'.
  8. agreed, this really is amazing.
  9. Did anyone go to this? Details please?
  10. Very nice
  11. wrong section. Try 'wanted to buy'
  12. Knore where did you hear this? I heard that the cars were only 2 seconds slower when they were doing testing on engines towards the end of the season?
  13. PM Chris Rogers he wil tell you, and if you go the mongoose hell give you a good deal. Goodluck.
  14. hehe justin, cheap woman, they would be fair nasty for the balance of $40!
  15. http://www.centralmotor.net/web/detail.php?num=152 Here is a same colour 1000HP BEAST for sale!
  16. hehehe thats awesome.
  17. do you work for customs? if so where abouts?
  18. looks shit hot, so many possibilities.......
  19. this topic comes up every few days, its a con. Steer clear its a load of shit and a waste of money.
  20. Hey mate, Before someone bites your head off, ill say it to you nicely. Most of the above items have already been discussed, try a search and you should get all your answers to the questions above. Try the Tutorials/ DIY/ FAQ section of the forum for the things you should look out for when buying a skyline. Good luck.
  21. 18k for 360rwkw, f*ck that is crazy. Good luck with sale.
  22. Nice looking rims, but lower the car IMMEDIATELY!
  23. lol dezz, what other shit do you have organised for your car!!??
  24. cost?
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