scottking, have you got the powerlock installed in your car? Do you have to install it on top of a normal alarm?
Whats the installation cost on one of those puppies?
I think 'Dicksnap' should be taken into consideration if a banning is on the cards, as the creativity to make up such a comment warrants a second chance.
Damn i heard rumours of sh1t like this happening, but didnt really think people would actually do something so low. If they do it again to another car hopefully they slip and the screw driver goes towards their chest region, preferably their heart.
Damn, that damage is a bitch. Good news on getting the car back, just hopefully the guys slip up in selling the gear and you can find them.
But is good news mate, nice to see there is a 'happy ending', if you can call it that.
hmm very nice, nothing beats corporate hospitality. Best investment you can make is a 'Camel back bag' thing, get the free alcohol from their and fill it up, so when you go home you will have enough for another session in the coming days! Another idea is to bring about 20 drink bottles in a beach bag and fill them up also.
Enjoy it u lucky bast*d.
warranty means nothing from a dealership. This is a nice car, im surprised it hasnt sold. I would have had a serious look at it if i wasnt going to imoprt one myself.
Good buying for the price.
Normally people get off over naked chicks, i never heard anyone getting off over gearnobs................... oh hang on, Nob in Gears, im getting hard just thinking about it.